Chapter 15 I'm the boss

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 "One more stop before we head back to my place." Styles informs me as we leaves Dwayne's place. "Shouldn't take too long."

I rest my head against the car seat too tired and too hung over to care.  All I can think about is how different Styles and Dwayne are. How did they even end up friends? My head spins and I feel myself doze.

A gentle nudge on my thigh has me stirring. "Wake up, Erin. We're here."

I wave him off. "You do what you need to do. I'll stay here."

"Erin, lets go. I don't have time for this." 

I groan, and a few seconds later, I am following him up the few steps to the front door. The two-story mansion is beautiful, and the lush green yard is immaculate, like something from a UK House and Garden magazine. To my surprise, Styles doesn't bother knocking and instead opens the door. "Shouldn't you knock first?"

He steps through the door. "Relax. It's my father's house."

As I step onto the polished floorboards, I stare up at the vaulted ceiling and the grand staircase. So much grandness. 

"Ashley!" An overexcited child's voice bellows from high above us.

My eyes dart to the top of the staircase where a blond boy stands looking down at us. He's about eight-years-old and standing on the edge of the top step, his little toes hanging over. He grabs hold of the white banister, about to mount it.

"Off that, Dane!" Styles shouts. "Before you fall down and break something!"

The boy cocks his little leg over the rail. He hangs onto the banister as if he is a spider moving through a web. Styles shakes his head. "Insolent little shit."

It's not until Dane arrives at the bottom of the staircase that the tension in my gut eases. He dismounts with a proud smile as he runs towards us, flapping his arms about. Styles looks ready to whack him.

"Where's your mother?" He scolds. "When I tell her you're still riding the banister, you'll be in serious trouble, kiddo."

"No!" He jumps up and down. "I won't do it again—promise!"

Styles points a finger in his little face. "You better not."

The sight of him being so protective of this child takes me by surprise.

"Now, where can I find your mother?"

Dane points his finger towards a long hall, "in her office."

He ruffles his hair. "Good stuff, kid."

Styles pivots, as he does, his flip-flops make a screeching noise on the floor, sending Dane into a fit of laughter. "That sounds like one of my daddies' farts!"

I bite on my lip, trying to suppress my laughter as Dane rushes towards the staircase flapping his arms and laughing. Then I rush after Styles as he strides down the hall. My legs shuffle twice as hard to catch his long strides. He stops at a closed door. "Who was the little boy?" I whisper.

 "Would you believe my brother?"

"Two siblings in one day. You really want me to meet your family, don't you?"

He raises a brow as he knocks on the door. "Trust me, that was not my intention."

No, I'm sure it wasn't.

"Come in." A female voice calls out.

I grab his arm before he turns the doorknob. "Should I wait out her?"

Aspiring Nobody--Dark Billionaire RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now