Chapter 25 Life

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I tap the steering wheel, thinking of the time I saw Erin. I'd been a prick to her that morning. I'd been too cold and hadn't spared a thought for how she would feel. But that's my normal routine when I dismiss someone from my life. I don't put walls up; I just don't give a shit about non-essential people. No biggie. I prefer it that way.

People come in and out of my life, but the moment they start messing with me in any kind of way, especially messing with my head, they're gone. I don't give a fuck if they think me a cold, antagonistic prick, because I am. And yet, over the last few days, I've realized I don't want Erin to think of me that way.

So I went to the dorm to clear the air, see her again. But when she walked into the café holding some guy's hand; man, talk about being inundated with mixed emotions. I felt every destructive and aggressive emotion in those few minutes watching her with him. Knowing that she wanted him that close to her, felt like a brutal blow. If I could have leapt over the tables and ripped his head off and got away with it, I would have. Instead, I stormed from the café in a rage and determined to get her out of my head.

Of course it didn't work, which is why I'm back at the dorm. I exit the car and head for her room. I pass four girls on my way to Erin's door, ignoring their stares as I blow out a breath and knock. The door opens and another girl answers. "Hey. Is Erin in?"

She opens the door. "Erin. Guy at the door."

When I see the guy she kissed at the café on her bed, my fist clench. I'm ready to pop an eye ball--his. FUCK! Keep it together. Keep it together. But this is what she's done to me. From the moment she stirred my interest, I started turning into a jealous monster. And I hate it.

What the fuck am I meant to say when she comes to the door? She'll expect a reason for my appearance, and I don't have a valid reason to be here. Well, I do, but I am not about to get into that yet. Erin steps out from the bathroom door and the moment she sees me, she lowers her head. So she'd rather eyeball the ground than make eye contact with me?

"I wasn't expecting to see you again?" she whispers.

Her thin frame and protruding collarbone take me by surprise. She's lost more weight—maybe a couple of kilos since we've seen each other. "No, me either. Can I speak to you for a moment? Alone?"

"Sure." Erin pulls the door shut and leans against the doorframe, determined not to make eye contact with me. "My father's ordered me to attend a dinner meeting as his replacement tonight? Unfortunately, I can't get out of it, trust me, I tried. But I kind of need a date. I was wondering if you'd come with me?"

There's a brief silence. "Tonight... um, I'm not sure?"

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up at the sight of several yellowing bruises on her arms. They're distinctive finger marks. Which means someone has had their filthy hands on her. I wanna know who, but if I get pushy she's liable to slam the door in my face. "If it's money you want, I'll pay you." I reach into my back pocket and pull my wallet out, ready to spot her a hundred when she waves her hand at me.

"I don't want your money, Ashley. But how do you feel about me showing up with this?" She lifts her head to show me her black eye. "How did you get that?" I lift her chin, inspecting the faded yellowing and blue bruise.

" I had an argument with someone. And no, I don't know the person's name and I'd rather not talk about it. I'm trying to put it behind me."

I know I should back off, but I can't and suddenly my silent thoughts are not so silent as they rush from my mouth like exploding vomit, "what the hells happened to you since I saw you last?"

She pulls a face. "Why does everyone assume it's their right to know what happened to me? I don't need to explain. I just wish the bruise would disappear so I can stop dealing with people's questions."

But I'm not backing off so easy. "It's called concern, Erin. Besides the eye, you've lost more weight." Her undernourished frame makes her look like she's just survived a 21-day challenge on Naked and Afraid.

She flips her hair to the side. "I can't help that I've been busy. Sometimes I forget to eat. Not that it's anyone's business."

Since when is it wrong to care? To know she's eating enough to keep her little body nourished. Oh, shut the fuck up and stop going on like a soft pillow! "I was out of line," I say. "Forget what I said."

Her tired eyes lift to meet mine, and my gut flips, and she's beautiful regardless of how she looks. "What is this, anyway?" She shrugs. "I never thought I'd hear from you again."

"I know. But here we are."

Her brow lifts. "Don't you mean here you are?"

And again, she's right. I'm the one who showed up uninvited. "So will you come with me?"

She nods. "Sure. Why not."

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