Chapter 45 Boys do cry

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After Erin hangs up on me, I'm out the door and ready to face Michael. Last time I saw the bastard was the Sunday he showed up at my house. That was also the last time Erin was there. If I had known then what I do now, Michael would not have left my house walking.

After getting through the midday traffic, I find a parking spot, and then make my way along the busy sidewalk. I enter the building through two automatic doors. As I walk towards the lift, my eyes connect with the security camera in the corner.

My primary concern is Erin's safety. Everything else is secondary, apart from my confrontation with Michael. Oh, we'll brawl. That's a fact. But not until I find out why he has a contract with my father?

Inside the elevator, I tap the button for the sixteenth floor. Then I pull the knuckleduster from my pocket. I'd found it in a box of junk in my shed. The rest of the shit I ditched, but I kept this specifically for Michael. If he wants to play dirty, that's exactly what he is about to get.

The elevator pings, and I step out. Cathy at the front desk greets me with a smile as her fingers click away on the keyboard. I give her a one-fingered wave and keep walking. I pass my father's office on my way to confront Michael.

Thankfully, the old man is in Melbourne until tomorrow, which means I won't have him intervening. I don't bother knocking or waiting for an invitation as I enter Michael's office. He doesn't see me as he sits in his chair, phone at ear, staring out the window that overlooks the Opera House. With the sudden click of the door lock, he turns to see me at the closed door. He looks unaffected by my appearance, but ends his call.

My heart thumps from the sudden adrenaline rush. I'm ready to do serious damage to this piece of shit after what he's been doing to Erin—attempted to do. But I need to keep it together, at least long enough to find out what's going on.

He sets his phone down on his oversized desk and takes in my stance. "I take it we're about to get into something other than a discussion, Styles?"

"Good guess. You must have a set of elephant balls on ya? Because only a dumb cunt would do what you have done to Erin and assume I wouldn't find out."

Michael looks unfazed. But the glistening pores on his forehead tell a different story. "No idea what you're talking about?"

I thump the desk. "Do not fuck with me! You know why I'm here! This is about Erin! What you did to her! What you're still doing to her!"

Michael's eyes shift to the knuckleduster. He cocks a brow, but maintains his cool. "You plan on using that thing," he jerks his chin at the knuckleduster.

"Yeah, you'll be shitting out teeth by morning."

Michael sniggers. "So what is it you know?"

"You mean besides what happened with Erin." I don't have any proof to back up my theory, but he is not aware of that. "I know you created the Perry account to thieve company funds through it. That's why all details are missing. Because you've gone through our system and deleted every trace of that account. How much have you stolen through that account over the years — millions?" I expect an immediate look of guilt; instead, I am surprised by the cocky smirk that fills his face.

"You've got all the answers, Styles, shouldn't you be telling me?"

"An internal investigation will fix you." I snort. "That's if you live to see it."

Michael's jaw twists. "I'll ignore that last part. But as far as internal investigation goes, you can forget it. Your father is not about to nail me with anything, regardless of what you just said. Why would he," he shrugs, "when he's been paying me to keep my mouth shut?"

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