Chapter 38 Now or never

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Styles and I walk around the harbor until we pass the Opera House. He's telling me things about his family that I've already seen online, about their mining company, their wealth. But I say nothing about what I've seen; instead, I listen as he talks about their fortune and how it has impacted his life, and how he wishes he had been born to a family without money.

It saddens me to hear him say how strained his relationship has been with his parents over the years. How none of them understand each other? It's obvious he has a lot of unresolved issues that he should deal with. He tells me how he hates his private life being so public, but that's also part of his life as heir to a huge corporation.

As I draw in the salty air, small waves slap against the wall that separates the ocean and the walkway we are walking along. My sad mood has all but gone, and I put that down to Styles finally telling me more about himself, and all the beauty that now surrounds me. It's hard to be here and not feel influenced by what I'm hearing and seeing and not find myself hopeful for the brighter days to come. My eyes drift across the dark water, to the north shore, where fancy mansions and buildings gleam from the glare of the sun reflecting off the ocean.

As the soft breeze blows across my face, the hairs on the back of my neck tickle my skin. I know that whatever happens in my life from this point on, I must make changes, big ones. And I will when I figure out how to proceed from here. Because my life can no longer revolve around lies. Regardless of what happens with Styles, a drastic change is ahead of me.

As we walk side by side, the tips of his warm fingers take hold of mine. My heart races, and I can't help but submit to his touch. It's what I want. My instinct tells me to embrace the moment and see our reconnection as progress.

We walk in silence; ignoring the tourist along the walk way snapping pictures of the breathtaking views around us. Styles' warm fingers slip between mine and tighten. I give his hand a gentle squeeze. It's a simple gesture, but it's enough to know that our dispute is now behind us, and how we proceed from here is on us.

We make our way into the Royal Botanic Gardens, which is a short walk from where we just come from. "Maybe we can sit somewhere for a bit. Get out of the sun."

He lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses the tips of my fingers. "Of course."

We walk on a little further, until we find a shady spot under a bunch of trees. I lower myself down onto the thick, spongy grass, and pick out a stem. When his fingers touch my knee, I lift my head, and no sooner do our blue eyes lock, our mouths slam together. Nothing else matters, not my secret, not Becky, just us.

I'm so caught up in his mouth, his tongue, that I don't give a second thought to where we are or what's going on around us as I fall backwards on the prickly grass. I'm flustered and clutching a handful of his shirt, determined to pull him down with me on the ground. Our mouths don't separate, and I let out a soft gasp as the weight of his big, firm body and hard dick presses against mine. It's a big boy and I'm suddenly eager to unleash it from his pants. 

When he runs his hand down the curve of my waist, I breathe hard, more than aware that I've never felt this desperate need to be with anyone as I do him. There's always been something telling me to hold back from jumping into a sexual relationship with anybody. But now, my receptive body is desperate to give into the feelings surging through me.

The feel of his hand  pulling my undies aside to slip his fingers inside me, leaves my lower body tingling and in a sudden uproar. I'm ready to spread for him right here as his fingers move in and out of me. But I can't let my first time be in a park under a tree. I want him so badly that the thought of having to wait an hour to feel him inside me seems like an hour of torment. I pull away first, breathless, and taking his head in my hands and say, "let's go back to your place."

He pulls back from me with a ragged breath. "You're ready for some dick, huh?"

I smile, "absolutely."


I move through the house like a superhero with Erin in my arms. This is more than satisfying my dick. What I feel for her is more than I've ever felt for any other woman. She has drawn out things in me I wasn't sure were possible, even knew were in me.

As I climb the stairs, my tongue twirls with Erin's. I'm so desperate to bury myself inside her, I must stop myself from taking her here on the staircase. But I make it to the foot of my bed, where I intend to dazzle her with my many skills.

My chest rubs against her breasts as I lower her to her feet and kiss the tip of her nose, her mouth, her chin. I'm not sure what to kiss now that I know my tongues safe? I pull the hem of her tee shirt up over her head and expose the plan white bra. My breath catches. "You're so beautiful, Erin! I still can't believe you're mine?" As my thumb runs over her breast, I lean down and kiss the milky skin bulging from her bra. My body shudders as my mouth covers her pink nipple. Erin immediately moans and her body tenses from the lick of my tongue. 

"You like that, huh," I say my tongue playing with her nipple.  "You wait and see what else I got for ya."

I've been waiting for this moment and now that it's here; I can't contain myself as I fumble with the clip on the back of her bra. My eagerness has my fingers fumbling like an amateur with four thumbs. I unclip the single hook and the bra slips from her shoulders. Before it slips too far, Erin throws her arm across her chest.

Waiting on her to bare her body to me is like trying to prolong an orgasm–it's torture.

When Erin is ready, she lets the bra go and it falls and my heart flips backwards in my chest. I think I'm on the verge of having a coronary because I've never had this kind of erratic chest action before. My heart seems to be working from a second set of valves as it pumps twice as hard. I don't give a fuck. Instead of worrying about my over stimulated heart, I focus on my over stimulated dick as I tear my shirt open, buttons spitting through the air like an old action machine gun shooting bullets.

Erin pulls back. Her eyes playful as she smiles down at my open shirt. "I'm guessing you don't want coffee first." 

I pull a distorted face. "Fuck the coffee! I'd rather eat you instead." she watches my tongue travel down her tummy and around her pierced belly button. "God, I'm gunna have you for break lunch and dinner and then in between and that's only for today." I tell her as I kiss her thigh and then  spread her legs far enough so I can put my head between them.  She's so sexy, and I can't contain myself. 

As my mouth and tongue get busy, Erin grabs a fist full of my hair and tugs on it as she moan's, and she's a moaner, and I love to hear her moan for me, it makes me crazy. 

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