Chapter 6 Cause and effect

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 When I see onlookers watching, I back away. Not out of fear, but because this situation is getting out of hand. "You ever hear of cause and effect, Ryan?"

"Fuck you," Ryan retorts.

"Remember this." I tell him as I back away. "Because this is the cause and soon, you'll be seeing the effect." I pivot and start walking. My strides long and heavy as my feet pound against the brittle grass. Who the hell has been feeding Ryan all this information about me? The mutants at the newspaper would be the obvious choice. Well fuck them. I'm single. I'll do whoever I please. And I certainly will not be altering my lifestyle because those neurotic bastards think it unacceptable.

Fact is, I need the boxes sorted. And I don't have time for the extra workload. Which is why I need someone to work unassisted to get it done for me. I had plenty of offers, but none of them were suitable, aside from Erin. She doesn't come from Sydney and is unaware of what my family owns. Which made her the perfect candidate.

"Mr. Styles! Mr. Styles! Wait — please!"

I recognize Erin's voice straight away. And after the bullshit with her brother — I should keep walking. Forget I offered her work. That would be the sensible thing to do. Last thing I need is an overprotective brother on my back. Besides, she made her decision. I owe her nothing. If anything, she owes me. Well, at least she thinks she does. Had it not occurred to her that if I could afford this year's Porsche, I would have it fully insured? Evidently not, but that's not my problem now. I had planned on telling her it's insured. However, since the mouthy little thing rejected my offer, I'll let her figure that part out.

"Mr. Styles, wait, please!"

Against my better judgement, I relent, turning back to see her jogging towards me. Her long ponytail is swinging from side to side and she's wearing a white Freddie Mercury tee shirt and ripped denim cut-off shorts with the front pockets hanging out. But it's the wide divide between her lean thighs that holds my attention. The girl is far too thin. So thin that I could drive my fist through her inner thigh gap and not touch her legs.

She stops an arm's distance from me. A soft smile fills the corners of her mouth, exposing two deep dimples in her cheeks. "I know I said I didn't want to work for you, but if your offer is still good, Mr. Styles, I'd like to take you up on it?"

"That offers now void." I do my best to ignore the warmth and dazzle radiating from her smile.

Her smile warps. "Void, why?"

"You're a smart girl. I'm sure you can figure it out?"

She pulls her sunglasses off and her blue eyes pin mine. "I know I said I wasn't interested, but I was angry after the way you treated me."

Yes, my behavior was offensive. Hence my appearance here today. I thought a $500 bonus would be a good peace offering. I suppose I should have handed her a groveling apology as well. Only I refuse to grovel. "Not my problem."

"But... you said something about having the day to decide?"

"What can I say, Miss Edberg, other than I've changed my mind."

She huffs. "You're unbelievable!"

"You wouldn't be the first female to tell me that."

"How you even get a female with that attitude is beyond me?"

I can't help but find her temper amusing. "You'll be happy to know I don't have this attitude with any other female but you."

"Why do I find that hard to believe?"

As I try to focus on the mouthy little thing in front of me, all I hear is Ryan's words banging around in my head. "Run along," I say with a dismissive flick of my hand. "Before that mouth of yours gets you into some serious trouble?"

Her black backpack falls down her arm. "Funny enough, it's only you I'm like this with." And with that, she pivots, her flip-flops clicking as she rushes away.

God dammit!

Why is it when I'm around this girl she makes me crazy? How could this lippy girl with an insufferable pout be one of the most irritating nuances I've ever met, yet have a face so beautiful, it unnerves me?

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