Chapter 8 Tell it like it is

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Within the hour, I am standing in Styles' living room, my eyes darting from the black sofa to the glossy floorboards. This house is amazing. I'm used to basic housing: three bedrooms, one toilet, nothing fancy. As Styles pulls back the floor to ceiling white drapes, light floods the room, and my breath catches at the dazzling ocean view.

It's beautiful!

Styles steps through the balcony door, and I follow behind, sucking in the salty air and the visual beauty that is Sydney harbor. "This view is," I throw my arms out at my sides and smile, "incredible! You must spend all your free time out here?"

He snickers. "Not at all."

"Really." As I turn to face him, he turns to face me. But it's not the sharp angles of his square shaped face that hold my gaze, it's the sudden warmth in his eyes. Yes, warmth, something I have not seen in them before. He has smiled once or twice, but there was never any warmth or kindness in it. This is the first sincere smile I've seen grace his face. "I could never tire of looking at it," I say.

He turns to stare at the harbor again, "with time you would."

"No." I shake my head. "I wouldn't?"

"No, perhaps you wouldn't."

While he's staring at the harbor, I'm staring at the straight line of his nose and firm jawline. "Thing is," he continues, "when you live your life in a city like this one, beautiful things are an everyday occurrence. Too much of a good thing can become bland after a while. Like this view." He snorts. "The only beauty I notice these days is the kind that winds me and leaves me thinking about it long after it's gone."

"Like what?" I ask curiously.

He turns to look at me and grins. "It's not the kind of thing I can really explain."

"What an interesting way of telling her you think she's beautiful, Styles." The sound of a female's voices startles both Styles and myself as we spin around to see a blonde woman standing at the balcony door. It takes me a moment to recognize her as the girl Styles had here the first time I came to work.


I spin around to see Lana standing at the balcony door glaring at me. "Not that she's smart enough to catch on. Are you sleeping with her, Styles?"

"What? No. And how did you get inside my house?"

"Front door wasn't locked. I thought I'd surprise you, but you surprised me instead. I guess she's the reason you cancelled on me?"

"No, actually I cancelled because I was busy."

"I dont believe you," Lana hisses before she catapults herself at Erin, grabbing a handful of her hair and thrusting her head about.

 I jump right in, grabbing her hand and freeing it from Erin's hair.  "I want you out of here now.!

 I grab Lana around the waist and toss her over my shoulder. She thrashes in my arms, but I storm from the balcony and head for the hall while she screams abuse at me.

I stop at the front door, pull it open, and then let her down. "Take your arse from my property and don't come back. Ever!"

No sooner is she out the door, I slam it shut and then lock it. Last thing I want is her getting in again. I storm along the hall and then back to the balcony. I come to a holt at the balcony door when I see Erin.

"Hey." I step onto the balcony. My first thought is to comfort her, but of course I don't. We barely know each other. "I'm more than sorry for what she just did to you. Fuck. I can't believe it actually. I had no idea she was even that violent."

"I can't believe it either. That was insane, right! I mean she just attacked me for no reason. Plus, she broke the necklace that belonged to my father." Erin tells me as she opens her hand and reveals a broken gold chain.

"I'll pay to get it fixed. Don't worry. He'll never know."

And just like that she kind of falls into me, resting her head on my shoulder. "Your girlfriend is horrible."

"Girlfriend," I frown "No. She's not my girlfriend. But you're right, she is horrible. If I'd known she was capable of this, I never would have let her through my door."

I push Erin's hair back at the temple to see a red scratch along her hairline. I rub her cheek with my thumb. "I feel like shit knowing she hurt you."

Erin snivels. "Do you think it's safe for me to work with you now?"

"You're safe," I say. "She won't touch you again, trust me."

"That's easy for you to say, you're not the one who was just attacked." Erin shivers. "If she could have nailed me to the wall, she would have."

"No one's getting nailed to a wall, especially you."

Erin looks up at me, her blue eyes wide. "You're gonna protect me, are you?"

"I won't let her touch you again. Put it that way."

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