Chapter 47 Messed up

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I exit the taxi and do a sweep of the busy street lined with parked cars to make sure Styles' car is not one of them. It's not. Which means it's safe to do what I come to do. I ring the buzzer at Dwayne's door and turn the ring on my finger as I wait. 

Within seconds, a dark-haired girl answers the door with a curious stare. She points a finger at me. "I remember you. You came with Styles one night, right?"

I nod. "That's right." I don't remember her name, though. "Is Dwayne in?"

"He's in the shower. You wanna come in and wait?"

I hold my bag close to me and nod. "Yes, thanks."

I step inside and almost back track when I see Destiny, a striper from the club sitting on the sofa. A wave of embarrassment hits me, knowing she's witnessed some of my darkest moments.

Her foot flaps as she blows out a mouthful of smoke. "You're the last person I was expecting to walk through that door," Destiny says. "I never would have thought you were seeing Styles either."

As uncomfortable as I feel, I'm also curious to know how she fits into all this. So, I plop myself on the sofa and take in her raised brow. I shrug. "Yeah, I get that." I nibble my lip and think about how to approach this. "I'm probably not the sort of girl he goes for."

Destiny waves her hand at me. "Please, you're female. That's more than enough, trust me."

"Sounds like you know him well?" I press.

Destiny and the dark-haired woman share a glance before they both laugh. "Yeah, I know the kid well. Fucked him countless times, too, if you're wondering."

My breath catches. "Have you slept with him recently?"

She shrugs. "Eh, a few weeks ago. How about you?"

I rub my leg and will myself not to cry, but I cannot stop the tears as they rush from my eyes and hit my cheeks. I wipe them away. "We weren't just sleeping together; we were in a relationship."

She smirks. "Yeah, course you were."

"We were." I snap. It comes out hard and defensive.

"Ok. If you wanna believe you were anymore special to him than me or her," she points to the darker-haired girl beside her. "Go for it. 'Cause I know otherwise." She sucks on the smoke and then blows it out. "His dick's been in more holes than a rabbit. He's a player. At least me and her know what the deal is."

They both share another glance before my eyes hit my lap. As much as it hurts to hear it, I need to accept that what she's saying is true. He used me. He never loved me. I wanna cry because I miss him, and I love him. But I'm sick of crying over him.

"Hey, cutie." Dwayne's grin's as he stands at the doorway staring at me. "Why you look so upset?"

"Because I'm soft." I tell him. He sits on the armrest of my chair and runs his hand down my head and then rubs my shoulder. "You lookin for him?"

A wanna say yes, I'm always looking for him, hoping he'll appear and make things right between us. But that's not about to happen. I press my hand to my mouth to stop the sob from bursting out. Never will I allow him to get inside my head with his lies. "No. I need to get this back to him." I reach in my bag and pull out the tea towel with the pistol wrapped inside it, the barrel uncovered. "Will you give it to him for me, please? I should have got it back to him sooner, but I forgot."

"Yeah, yeah, course. I'll make sure he gets it." Dwayne disappears into another room with the gun and a moment later he reappears, flicking the tea towel before he tosses it to me. "I gotta go." I stand and tuck the tea towel in my bag. "Maybe I'll see you around Sydney."

"Yeah, or you can come here. You know where I am."

I nod, even though I know I won't be coming here again. He claps his hands and points at me. "Stay for a drink," he smiles. "I've got a few friends coming over. Stay. C'mon. We're gunna party."

I shake my head. "Nah. I should go."

Dwayne shakes his head. "Styles isn't coming, if that's what you're worried about. He's been keepin a low profile. He won't even answer any of my calls or messages. I don't know what's going on with him?"

An hour later and I'm downing another shot and staring at the greenest eyes I've ever seen. "This has been interesting." I smile at Flynn. "But I gotta go before I end up legless. "

"That's cool," he grins. "We can be legless together, back at my flat, in my bed." he grins. "You interested or what?"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Dwayne waves a hand at Flynn. "Motherfucker, back off. She's with Styles. Look elsewhere."

"Hey," I retort. "I am not with him. I don't even wanna know him. And I'll talk to whoever I want. I'll fuck who I want, too. And if I wanna leave with..." I wave my hand at green eyes, "this guy... Flynn. I will."

Flynn laughs. "You tell him."

"Hey, hey!" Dwayne stands and puts an arm out to stop green eyes coming near me.

"What the hell, Dwayne! You heard her—she's single and doing what she wants—so let her do what she wants."

Dwayne gets up in his face and shoves him back a step. "Back up, bro! Take a seat before I put you in it!"

Flynn drops back in the chair, but my woozy head isn't thinking straight since I'm thinking like a drunk with a broken heart who wants to feel better again.

"Let him be," I say. "He did nothing wrong. If I wanna talk to him, I will. You're not my boss."

"I'm looking out for you." Dwayne spits back at me.

"Well stop. I can do that myself." I find my feet and look over to Flynn and say, "you wanna get out of here?" 

Flynn bounces up from his chair. "Yeh. Lead the way."

"Not with her." Dwayne points a finger at Flynn. "You leave with her, and I guarantee you'll have Styles kicking your door in if you take her home, Flynn."

"Who's gunna tell him? You! Cause I heard you tell Erin he's not answering his phone or responding to your messages. So fuck you." Flynn shoves his middle finger in Dwayne's face and laughs as he tugs on my head and leads me away.

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