Chapter 29 Jealous and insecure

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A little while later, we enter the crowded pub. Dwayne's laughter blast through the bar as Styles walks off ahead of me. He's friggin hot. His shoulders are so wide and he's so well built and gorgeous that I can hardly believe that he wants to be with me. Me. Maybe I dreamt it. I still haven't got my head around this. But will he tell his friends about me, about us? I want him to, but if he doesn't, what does that mean? Or is it simply too soon to expect him to announce it to his friends? He might need more time. Unless he has no intention of telling anyone about us—ever.

I follow him towards the long table where a large group of people sit chatting and laughing. My anxiety is already high after that dinner meeting, so this is just another added tension I don't need. I draw in an anxious breath at the thought of meeting more of his friends. Besides all that, I'm not the most social person in large groups. I'm more of a one-on-one girl.

Dwayne sees us and points a finger at Styles. "Here he fucking is. What took ya?"

"Meeting took longer than I expected."

Dwayne looks from Styles to me. "What's up with you two? Every time I see you, you're together?"

Styles ignores the questions as he greets his other friends. I walk on ahead to the other end of the table, where a couple of empty chairs are. He didn't tell them who I was. Didn't even tell them my name. Let it go. Maybe he forgot I was with him. Of course he didn't forget. He just didn't want to mention me. Sure, they can see me, but he's quick to shut down when it comes to answering questions about us being together. Now I wish I hadn't come. I should have gone back to the dorm and cried myself to sleep instead. I squeeze in at the end of the table while Styles talks to Dwayne, leaving me alone to mix with people I don't know.

A few minutes later, Styles takes the seat opposite me. He chats with the guy beside him before he remembers I am here. "You want a drink, Erin."

"I'll have a coke, thanks."

Instead of getting drinks, he converses with another female across the table. The way she smiles at him, talks to him, is way too flirty. She wants him, and I want to slam my hand in her face. What annoys me even more, he doesn't discourage her, or attempt to show her he's with me. Instead, I'm left feeling like a lost puppy.

"What are you doing later?" she asks him.

And with that, I roll my eyes and push up from the chair and head for the bathroom. As I wait in line, a dark-haired female approaches me.

"Hey, quick question," she says. "Are you with Styles, cause I don't wanna step on your toes. "

I nod. "Yeah, I'm here with him."

She blows out a breath, looking disappointed. "Ok, cool. Next time I guess."

I sigh and leave the line, put off by all the attention he gets. As I make my way towards the bar, I try to catch his eye. Of course he doesn't see me since he's still talking with the blonde. I sit on a stool, pull my money from my purse and wait to get served. What a night. And now I'm left to deal with Michael. He expects me to contact him. The man is insane. And what's worse, I don't know how to handle this situation with him.

"Thought I was getting drinks?" the sound of Styles' voice has me looking over my shoulder to see him behind me.

"That's ok. I'm here now."

"You seem mad?"

I turn to look at him. "That's because you're getting on my last nerve. "

He pulls a face as he swallows that. "Why?"

"Because you're still acting single."

"That's bullshit."

I huff. "Well, you're not acting like you're with me."

"What am I meant to do?"

I toss my arms out. "Put your arm around me, kiss me, hold my hand. Let them girls know you're with me. A girl asked me if I was with you because she didn't wanna step on my toes by hitting on you. Not to mention the blonde flirting with you at the table. That's why I left. I shouldn't have to sit there and watch you lap it up."

"That," he points a finger at me. "Is a lie."

"Whatever. I'm not arguing with you about it. You do you."

He sits on a stool to my left and runs his hand along my thigh where no one can see it, but I push it away. "Don't." I don't look at him, but I know he's looking at me. I can feel his eyes burning into the side of my face. "Erin, I'm not used to this."

I tap the coaster against the bar again. "Neither am I. But it shouldn't be this hard after only an hour."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm jealous and insecure," I say. "I gotta go to bathroom." As I step off the stool, Styles grabs my hand and pulls me in between his spread legs. His blue eyes hold mine as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in against him. The sudden heat between us and his hard dick against my stomach makes me gasp. "Feel that," he says, nudging me with his dick. "That's yours and only yours.  So stop doubting me."

I rub my hand along his long length and my knees wobble and my body reacts to it in a hungry, needy way. I lean in and whisper in his ear, "It better be, because if you touch another girl here, I'll pick up the first guy who wants me."

He bites my bottom lip and then tugs on it before he lets it go and whispers, "that mouth... is mine." His hands cup my arse and he slams my body against his. "This... is also mine." He kisses me with an open mouth and tongue in front of a bar full of people before he pulls back and glares at me. "If you show any kind of sexual interest towards another guy in front of me,  I'll lose my shit and fuck him up, and I mean that."

I pull back from him. "And I shouldn't have to sit here and watch you be hit on when you're meant to be with me."

"I am with you."

I wave a hand at him, "I can't deal with all this tonight. I'm leaving."

His jaw twists. He's angry. Well, too bad because so am I. And I'll do as I please. "What the hell  are you leaving for, Erin? I assumed you'd come back to mine?" It's more a statement than a question.

"Well, you assumed wrong. I wanna be alone. I need to think about things. About this. About us. I'll catch a taxi... I need to get out of here... Good night."

"You're not catching a taxi."

I keep walking. "I am."

Within seconds, he's walking beside me as I head for the main door. "Let me take you."

"Don't make a scene over this."

"What the hell, Erin!" he stops, grabbing my arm and pulling me to a stop. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving. So let me go before I change my mind about you and me completely."

His nostrils flare and he mouths fuck as he reaches into his pants and discreetly pulls the gun out. "I'm only agreeing to this because you've given me no choice. Here, take this for protection. Safety's on." he slips it in my bag and says, "can I get a kiss before you go?"

I raise a brow. "No." then I spin on my heels and push through the main door.

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