Chapter 11 Scare tactic

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As they leave, laughter erupts around our table. Erin turns to face me with a blank expression and smiles. "Thanks."

"No problem." My eyes run over Erin's face. It's flawless. Her blue eyes are more vibrant than ever thanks to a bed of heavy black eyeliner and thick black lashes. Suddenly, everything I wanted to say about work is pointless. "Why don't you spend the night at my place?"

Erin laughs. "God, you're keen to get those boxes sorted, aren't you?"

"Who said we'd be working?"

Her laughter stops and her eyes widen as she presses her hand to her chest. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Well, that subjective, isn't it? Especially since one of us could be contemplating sleep and the other consumed by what to wear tomorrow."

The corner of her mouth lifts into a half-cocked grin. "Is this how you pick up women?"

I pull a face in confusion. "What?"

She leans closer to me. "Are you trying to pick me up?"

I lean in closer and say, "No. I'm just thinking it would save you a trip to my house tomorrow morning."

Erin's face flush's peach and she looks embarrassed before her eyes drop to the table. "Oh. Oh...  God, I'm so embarrassed." Then she pushes up from the chair. "Excuse me, but I need to go to the toilet."

"Hey," I say. "You dont need to rush away over that."

"Yeah, I do."

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't care. However, seeing her look so embarrassed makes me feel sorry for her. Not to mention the last thing I need is any more tension between us. Especially when I am going out of my way to make things more workable between us.

As I watch her walk from the table, I let out a sigh and stand. within a moment I'm weaving my way around a group of people blocking the walkway. I veer around a few tables, doing my best to keep her in my line of vision. She's heading for the female toilet. I almost catch her until a man crosses my path. He passes, and I pick up my pace, leaping down three steps, hoping to stop her before she reaches the toilet.

Too late — she's inside.

Female toilet or not, I don't stop; instead, I push through the half-open door she just went through. Females line the long vanity, applying lipstick and fixing their hair. Shrieking erupts around the room.

"Get out ya wanka!"

Talk about hostile. As much as I want to get to Erin right now, I need to calm the women first. They look ready to tackle me to the ground and stomp on my head. So, without causing too much of a commotion, I clap my hands. "Ladies, can I please get everyone's attention?" I gaze around at the angry eyes on me. "I'm from management and would like to inform everyone that Chris, Liam, and Luke Hemsworth are about to enter the club. Make haste, ladies — they're without their significant others."

Hostility turns to excitement.

Squealing erupts around the room. Two girls jump up and down on the spot. One claps as if she's just won a prize. In mob style, they come at me, pushing me aside as they single file out the door. When Erin tries to join the dispersing line, I grab her hand and pull her to my side. 

"Every lady is welcome to meet them, just not this one." Within seconds, the women have all but left the bathroom, except for one woman rushing from the toilet.

Erin snatches her hand back. "You're on your way to being arrested, you know that!"

I kick the door shut and turn back to face her. "See. That's the exact reason you can't see the Hemsworth brothers. You're too mouthy."

"What are you doing. And why did you follow me in here?" She takes a step back and hits the wall. "You're insane. Just as crazy as your girlfriend."

"I'm not insane. And as I've previously told you, Lana's not my girlfriend."

"No, just one of the masses you're currently sleeping with. I know. Ryan told me about all the women you sleep with. "

"Your brother knows nothing about me. And what he thinks he knows is not accurate."

She stares up at me. "I don't get you. Just a few days ago you hated me."

"That's not true. I never hated you." I know she's confused; hell, I'm confused. One day I can't stand the mouthy little thing, and now I'm making a fool of myself just so she'll work with me.

A loud and thunderous banging shakes the bathroom door, making Erin jump. "Who's in there! Is everything all right." A male voice yells.

"Yes, yes, everything is fine," Erin calls out. "We just need a minute."

"It's Styles." I call out. "We won't be long."

There's a short silence.

"I didn't realize it was you in there, Mr. Styles." The male voice calls out. "Ok. I'll be off then."

Erin stares at me suspiciously. "Why would he do that?"

"Because I own the place. Have done for several years."

"You're lying."

"Only about the Hemsworth brothers being here, but I own this club." As the smell of her makeup and floral perfume invades my senses, ripples of heat surge through me. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks.

"Like what?"

Erin shrugs. "Like you feel sorry for me? Because I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me."

"Look, I get that you're embarrassed. But you really don't need to be. You're a pretty girl and there are plenty of guys who'd love to take you home."

She smiles as she rests her head back against the wall and stares up at the ceiling. "Please, if this is the part where you tell me just not you, then let me save you the bother because I really couldn't care less."

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