Chapter 7 Out of her depth

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Since it's my second trial night at the strip club, I change into the black shorts and stare at my over exposed arse cheeks in the mirror. These shorts are way more revealing than what I wore the first night. After exiting the change room, I stride along the empty hall, trying to ignore what feels like a constant wedgie.

Once I'm in the bar, I grab a tray and get to work. The crowd suddenly roars, and my eyes shoot across the room, past the tables, to the stage where Destiny is shaking her breast to the crowd.

Later that night, while unloading dirty glasses from a tray, a gentle tap on my shoulder has me spinning around and expecting another customer. It's April.

April smiles. "Hey, sweetie. How's your night been?"

I shrug. "Not too bad. Other than finding it hard remember all the drinks."

She gives me a knowing nod. "Try serving them behind the bar. But don't worry, it gets easier. Oh, Joey wants to see you."

"He does? Why?"

She shrugs. "No clue." Then she walks away.

Through the dimly lit club, I walk towards the tables. I ignore the strippers working hard to tease the money from the customers wallets. As I pass the table of laughing men, I see Joey sitting at the back of the club, alone. Is he about to dismiss me? Please, not yet. At least give me a week or two here to get some money behind me.

My eyes dart to the bouncer getting in between two men. Then to the second bouncer standing by Joey's table in a stance — legs spread, arms folded across his huge chest as he surveys the club. Joey watches me approach. He sets down his phone on the table and points to the chair opposite him. "Take a seat."

I do, almost sighing in relief to be off my feet.

Joey makes a clicking noise with his tongue. "I'll be straight with you, Erin. I've been observing you most of the night. Watching how you interact with the customers, and how they respond to you. You've got their attention." He rests back in his chair. "You also have mine... how would you feel about making some serious money?"

I am almost afraid to ask how. "What would I have to do?"

His eyes dart to the stage. "Dance for the customers."

Desperate or not, I'm not stupid. And after witnessing firsthand what the strippers must do to please these men, I know I could never do it. "Thanks, but no."

He pulls a face. "No... so soon. You haven't even had time to think it over." He rests his hands flat on the table. "How about this... how about we re-evaluate in a week? No pressure. In the meantime, you'll come back tomorrow night and do what you did tonight?"

I smile. I have a job.  "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Joey nods. "You're welcome. But I still want you to think about my offer."

I nod, even though I will not be changing my mind.

"I'm serious. A girl with your looks could make thousands a week, as opposed to the few hundred you'll make waiting tables."

Did he just say thousands?

The next day, I sit at my desk staring at the money I made from working at the club last night. One week of that, and I'll have some saving behind me. Not too much, but it's a start. This time I'll be more careful with my money. Which will mean budgeting and no impulse buying, not unless I have the extra funds to do so? My priority will be to stock my cupboards with food.

Working at the strip club is no dream job but it's a start. At least until I find something more suitable, and by suitable, I mean something that suits me. Something I am not ashamed to tell people about, and within walking distance from campus.

A knock on my door has me hiding the money between two books on my desk, before I make my way to the door. To my surprise, Mr. Styles is standing on the other side, looking tall and proud in a black suit and white shirt. I do my best not to let my chin hit the floor. It's not as if I haven't already noticed how stylish he is; however, seeing him so put together and classy catches me off guard. "Morning, Miss Edberg," he says with a faint smile. "Got a minute?"


"If you'll let me come in, I'll explain."

I push the door open, and he enters, smelling of musk and looking way too classy to be in my room. He stops between the bed and the desk as he looks around the tiny space. "I forgot how small and basic the rooms are," he says as he looks down at the books spread across my bed. "I don't envy you."

"And what is it you don't envy?"

He grins. "Besides this room, this dorm, the whole process ahead of you."

My eyes roll. "How about we get back to why you're here?"

"As you wish." He pulls the desk chair out, sits, and then extends his long legs, crossing them at the ankles. "Ryan had a go at me after I left the cafe yesterday. He thinks I'm chasing you."

My cheek suddenly warm. 

 It's one thing to think it, but to accuse Styles, well, that's overstepping the mark. "Oh my god he didn't. I'm so sorry."

"Thankfully, miss Edberg, I don't care too much about what he thinks."

"But you don't want him thinking... you know?"

"Let him think what he wants. We both know it's not true. I mean, what he's saying is laughable."


That stings. I don't want him to want me. But him thinking it's laughable doesn't sit well with me. "Is that why you changed your mind about me working for you?"

"Yes." He runs his fingers through his hair. "Your brother, well, I'm sure we'll resolve this in time. But, as for right now, those statements are my primary concern. I'm hoping whatever differences you and I have — we can put aside to get the statements finished? Will you help me?"

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