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The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

In such silence, Ying Yuze found that he was a little overreacting. Where the children of their eldest son sleep are not sleeping, he really just hasn't seen them for so many years. Hahaha...

At this moment, Lian Yuji faintly glanced at him.

Ying Yuze: "..."

Ying Yuze turned around decisively, and did not forget to close the door for the two of them before escaping.

"Don't worry about him."

When there were only two of them left in the room, Lian Yuji finally said, "You continue to sleep."

He walked over, took away the pillow Yunpin stepped on under his feet, and stuffed it for him. Take a warm spar up. All excess items were thrown to the opposite bed, which was quickly rearranged.

Yun Pin was stunned, and finally realized the problem: "...What floor is this?"

"The third floor." Lian Yuji said: "According to your grades, you should live on top of my head."

Yun Pin: "... ...

He couldn't help holding his forehead, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while. The clothes wrapped around him are not yet, and they are not yet, and they are just stiff in place.

"Wait. "he asked quickly, "where are you going?" "

"Next door." "Lian Yuji raised his eyelashes and asked, "Aren't you going to sleep?" "

..." Yunpin needs a very quiet and unoccupied environment to sleep, and any sound around him will make him extra alert. Even Yuji made room for him last time.

However, Yunpin immediately asked: "Are you coming back later? "

"Back. "Lian Yuji nodded, "After you've had enough sleep. "

Yun Pin was waiting for this sentence, got up on the spot and handed out his device, with a little blush on his face, "Well, since that's the case, it's not appropriate for us not to add a star network number, right? "

Xiao Xu: ?

"Pinpin, are you being too proactive?" Xiao Xu was shocked.

It doesn't understand at all, Yunpin wanted to do this last time in the competition!

So Yun Pin turned a blind eye and maintained his posture shyly.

Lian Yuji stared at him quietly for a moment, but suddenly chuckled.


He took over and entered his star code, and asked, "Do you know where I came from?"


Yunpin almost trembled when he called his name , subconscious speculation.

Even if it is very, very light, Lian Yuji still carries a familiar aura. Combined with his detailed understanding of himself, Yunpin is more inclined to guess at the laboratory.

In the end, Lian Yuji laughed again, "It's Yuan Guxing."

He didn't explain much, and rubbed Yunpin's head, "Go to sleep." Yunpin

: "..."

Wait until Lian Yuji left the dormitory , the door was lightly closed, and the blush on Yunpin's face had spread uncontrollably.

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