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Yunpin remembers this.

The impression was too deep, and it was also at that time that Yun Pin clearly realized that Lian Yuji's feelings about himself may not be the same as his own feelings about him.

Lian Yuji has known him since he was a child. He watched him grow up, and he was the only one who had the same situation as him for so many years. He treats himself more like a brother, like a friend... he has family and company, but he lacks love alone.

Yun Pin was a little nervous when he heard this. He tried to lure Lian Yuji over and over again, so that he could see another side of himself besides his friends and power carrier. He put aside other feelings and just stared at his soul and body. ...

but he was unsuccessful.

His attractiveness is still too weak, his frailty and Lian Yuji's strength are two completely different extremes, his character is also arrogant and rebellious, and there is nothing to please.

So, why did Lian Yuji mention this to him alone now?

Is it because he didn't listen to him several times in a row and betrayed his trust?

The more he thought about it, the more cramped Yunpin became, and he didn't even dare to look at Lian Yuji. Until Lian Yuji leaned down again and directly caught his escaping gaze.

"I've thought about it carefully, and now I want to make some corrections to him."


Cloud Pin suddenly looked up.

Corrected to what? Correct from liking to disliking?

Yun Pin had no self-confidence in the first place, and even under such circumstances, he couldn't hold back his eyelashes shaking. He tried to speak out with some control, preventing Lian Yuji from saying what he didn't want to hear, but his reason was screaming desperately, telling him that such obstructions were futile, he should have made this clear earlier, it was him I still have luck...

"Maybe at the beginning, my motives for you were not that simple." Lian Yuji's voice was quiet.

All of a sudden, all thoughts froze.

The room was extraordinarily quiet. At a time when Yunpin's mental power was at its most sensitive and fragile, he could perceive too many information that ordinary people could not perceive: the stable operation of the instrument in the distance, the slight sound of the vent, and the extremely high air in the air. Rare dust... However, all these perceptions are suddenly like being sunk underwater, isolated from his reason.

Only the words of Lian Yuji remained in his mind.

Impure motives... so what could it be?

Yun Pin was extremely frightened, his heart seemed to be split in two, and he was desperately screaming for a particularly cruel answer, and the other half was desperately squeezing the already pitiful expectations, like a thief's heart was immortal, Expecting an almost slim answer.

But Lian Yuji did not avoid it.

He had a panoramic view of all Yunpin's expressions, and his heart suddenly trembled slightly. He was all too familiar with this feeling. Since the first time he noticed what kind of emotions it contained, every time Yu Ji's nerves moved, he was able to get clearer and clearer of his thoughts.

He really likes cloud sales.

He will not have a giving body to anyone else. The idea of ​​soul, life, and everything is the same for the gods, and the same for Naro. Only cloud sales can.

[MTL, BL] I'm Weak and Pretty in The Infinite Variety ShowWhere stories live. Discover now