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With a constitution like Yunpin's, fever is more serious than blood fever.

The strength in his body is already at the threshold now, and it is easy to collapse with a little trouble. And once the fever starts and the body loses control, the forces that were finally stabilized will begin to agitate.

Lian Yuji looked at him silently for a moment, and suddenly said softly: "I'm sorry."

Yun Pin just finished the injection not long ago, and it stands to reason that he can toss a little more than the last time he was at Jinshaxing.

But he still underestimated the influence of these powers on Yunpin. They are eroding Yunpin's physical strength and energy all the time, making him more vulnerable without knowing it.

Yunpin blinked in confusion.

He wanted to ask, what does this sorry mean? Could it still be his responsibility to take care of himself all the time?

But he didn't have the strength to speak. He stretched out his arms and hugged him, almost unable to hold his consciousness, and said hoarsely: "Go get the rough stone..."

This small symptom is not the most important thing, as long as you suppress the strength, the fever can be fooled. can all get better.

But if the power close to the threshold enters at this time, his entire body will really collapse.

Lian Yuji knew what he meant, used flint to dry all the clothes and hair on his body, and put it on his cheek, making sure he could support him in a short time, and then picked him up.

Xiao Xu: "..." Xiao Xu

couldn't help but said: "Why don't you carry him on your back..."

Yun Pin didn't tell it a love story before it hadn't found out, even Yu Ji held Yun Pin in his arms. Like hugging a child, wrapping his arms around his waist and pressing it on his shoulders... This is the way to treat someone you like, can you blame Yun Pin for crying bitterly!


Lian Yuji said lightly: "This way he will be more comfortable."

Xiao Xu suddenly shut up.

Forget it, it's still a matter of saving lives.

Lian Yuji went to the North District.

"Is Lian Yuji really not going to the core resource area?"

The people in the viewing area were surprised.

But if you think about it, it makes sense.

"Actually, judging from the situation in the first two games, Lian Yuji has not won core resources. His strength is enough, just relying on normal points can pull him to the middle and front rankings."

"In fact, core resources are needed . There is only Yunpin, but his current physical condition is not good, and he can easily be eliminated if he goes there now. Even Yuji seems to want to take him to avoid the battle first."

"But it's too far to go to the North District, right?"

Others The staff frowned, "This is basically going to be a matchup again. There are still two days in the game, can they really come back to get the core resources?"

"Maybe they just gave up."

Xin Su said solemnly, "In Lian Yuji's eyes, the situation of Yunpin is far more important than winning or losing the game."

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