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The cold spring water suddenly poured into Yunpin's ears and nose, and all the chaos outside was instantly isolated.

But without these noises, his mental power is unprecedentedly clear. The bottom of the spring flowed slowly and regularly, passing quietly beside him.

Yunpin opened his eyes, and there was a slight fire in his eyes.

Xiao Xu: "It's not that Lian Yuji doesn't let you use your power..."

"I'm useless, I'm so obedient."

Yun Pin felt all the movements captured by his mental power, and slowly floated forward, "It's just that it's convenient to find the way... I'm going to find a way to open the door now."

All the core resources are indeed in the oasis. Yunpin just glanced at the periphery, there is no lock on the door and there is no other trace that can be opened, so it can only be seen whether there is any way under the water.

The spring seems to be shallow, but in fact it is deep and long. Yunpin roamed for a while, came out to take a breath, and found that the battle around him had been completely chaotic.

With so many players gathered here at the same time, it is absolutely impossible to only deal with Lian Yuji. The fewer people who enter the oasis, the better.

"When we find the door, they won't be destroyed, right?" Xiao Xu asked.

"Probably not." Yun Pin couldn't help gasping for breath, and sank back into the water. "They don't have many resources, so they can't fight for too long." After

a while, a purple light suddenly flowed out from the bottom of the water in front of them. . Cloud Pin slowly floated over, and I saw the same high wall as the gate of the oasis standing in front, almost rooted in the bottom of the water, and those purple shimmers floated out from the channel of the water.

"It's the breath of energy!"

Xiao Xu said excitedly: "Behind this door is the interior of the oasis."

"So this should be the second door."

Yun Pin glanced at the pattern on the door and said, "It looks like a puzzle is needed. ."

The door on the ground also had a pattern, but it was very messy. The pattern of the second door seems to be the same as the annotation of the former, revealing all those distorted symbols in the form of paintings.

"It's a legend related to the Jinsha star."

Yunpin understood immediately, "The reason why Jinshaxing is hotter than other planets is because when the gods created the world, Jinshaxing obtained more energy related to violent elements, but they You can also rely on the oasis and spring water to clear your mind."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to push the pattern on the door, and his arm instantly exerted force... but did not push.

Yun Pin: "..."

"Did you guess wrong?" Xiao Xu was stunned.

Yun Pin said faintly: "...Do you have to tell me that I'm not strong enough?"

Xiao Xu: "..."

"Okay, I'll go back and find Lian Yuji." Yun Pin didn't delay, and immediately floated up.

His location was already very far from the gate of the oasis, almost halfway around. But who would have guessed that just as he was about to come out, someone suddenly punched him in the face.

[MTL, BL] I'm Weak and Pretty in The Infinite Variety ShowWhere stories live. Discover now