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Clouds are numb.

But if you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong. Even Yuji didn't take the initiative to say this. It's all about himself. He's so good to him. Maybe it's just because his own power is special, or it's something else. What kind of feelings...

ah ah ah how could this be!

Yunpin felt sour in his heart, tears almost fell out, he couldn't help calling: "Xiao Xu..."

Xiao Xu couldn't help shaking: "..."

Don't call me now, what you want to say, even Yu Ji can hear it !

Yun Pin was aggrieved and didn't want to talk after following him for a while, but because the rain and fog were getting thicker and thicker, he finally followed up and quietly grabbed the corner of Lian Yuji's clothes.

"What's wrong?"

Lian Yuji was keenly aware that his mood was not right.

Yun Pin opened his mouth and almost asked him how he felt about him, but on second thought, he had nothing to like, and it was normal not to like it?

"The expansion of the water mist is coming." Yun Pin pursed his lips, and finally said softly.

Lian Yuji raised his head and looked in front of him, and said, "Let's go get ready-made resources."

When the content of special substances in the water mist reached its peak, the entire arena ushered in the first turbulence.

Most of the players had just replaced with brand new resources at this time. When the rain and fog were so foggy that they could hardly open their eyes, they suddenly noticed a change with a huge amount of energy, which spread silently in the air.

All the players couldn't help but look back, their faces changed slightly.

"What is this?"

Before waiting for an answer, someone already reacted, running and roaring, "The Ye Yuxing version of the beast tide!"

The word "beast tide" left a shadow in the hearts of many people, and the words were scattered. That is to say, in the next instant, the fog that covered the clouds and the sun seemed to expand to the extreme, and suddenly exploded in the entire arena!

The torrential rain poured down instantly.

All the sedimentary materials were washed to the ground by the rain with the eruption. It was obviously a huge rain screen, and the vision was unprecedentedly clear!

The players subconsciously blocked it, and they all felt much lighter than before when they got soaked.

They glanced at the rain screen, and didn't know what they were thinking, and quickly went to check their resources. With a few tentative "bang bang" explosions, they were pleasantly surprised to find that at this time, the energy loss rate of the new resources they got slowed down!

It was also at this time that the plants all over the ground, which had been watered by the rainstorm, began to grow wildly. "The alien beasts in Ye Yuxingquan's eyes are in the form of these plants, as well as small insects."

In the viewing area, the relevant personnel quickly observed the situation of the entire arena. Compared to the nervousness and panic when the beast wave came last time, the entire show is now much more mature in dealing with this mechanism. The medical team has long been prepared, and emergency measures in the arena are also on standby. As the person in charge, Xin Su would not be so tense when he went into battle in person, so he stood up directly. "What's going to happen next?" someone asked. "It depends on the situation." The relevant personnel explained, "Different plants will bring different effects, so do insects and beasts. The focus is on what the players will encounter." During the speech, the area where the most intense battles were on the field popped up on the screen, saying: : "To the southeast, Leng Ze and they are also here." Leng Ze and Geng Zhi were the first to notice that the energy loss rate was slowing down, apart from Yun Pin and the others.

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