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Yunpin lived in the southernmost part of the laboratory base. After passing through the lush woods, you could see the dormitories. Most of the houses in front were the residences of the experimenters, and only the most remote corners had single houses.

The detached building has three floors. Yunpin had already verified the iris when entering the gate of this area, and the landwalker continued to move inside, and finally reached the door of the residence.

Yunpin opened the door and saw the spacious living room.

He has lived here for a long time, so even if it is just a laboratory residence, it is arranged like a home. The experimenters were worried about his mental state, so in addition to regular psychological tests, they tried to make his living environment as relaxing as possible.

Sea blue wallpaper, fluffy carpets everywhere, and even the coffee table has corners. The sofa is full of dolls and quilts that look very warm, and hidden under the wallpaper and the floor, is a special metal specially developed for this situation.

As long as Yunpin is still sensible, they don't have to worry that Yunpin can ruin this place.

"This is the living room, my room is upstairs." Yun Pin introduced Lian Yuji, glanced at him quickly, and asked, "We should stay here for a while, where are you going to live?"

He His movements were light enough, but Lian Yuji still helped him capture his expression clearly, and laughed silently: "You can arrange it."

According to Yun Pin's thoughts, he couldn't arrange himself to sleep on the sofa. .

Yun Pin's eyes really lit up with excitement, he turned his head and smiled, "Then you can come with me."

Yun Pin's room is also spacious, almost connecting places for studying, playing and dealing with various things. Together, the style is very similar to the one downstairs, just softer.

Although Yunpin has not stayed in the past few months to participate in the show, the babysitter robot comes every day, and there is a faint rose fragrance in the air.

"I'm going to take a shower first." Yunpin said tentatively, "Wait for me first?"

That's what Lian Yuji meant to live with him.

"Go." Lian Yuji chuckled.

He knew that Yunpin was very tired, and it was thanks to his reshaped body that he was still awake now. After Yun Pin took his clothes and walked into the bathroom, he wandered around casually, looking at the whole room.

The children's house is very clean.

The clothes in the cabinet are neatly folded, and the small toys placed on the bookcase are also scattered. Even the sporadically covered blankets have been picked up by the babysitter robot, and now they are placed on the sofa peacefully.

Lian Yuji's hand gently brushed his desk and saw a rough stone on it.

This is still the piece brought back from Bing Lingxing. After they got the original stone, they didn't have time to do anything, so many things happened, and now... Yunpin doesn't need the original stone.

It's not that he didn't want to give Yunxiao blood in the first place.

From the moment Lian Yuji decided to nourish the blood of God, he has already thought about how to share it with Yunpin, but this kind of mental power opening is too unfamiliar to Yunpin, and the risk factor is too much, if it is not appropriate When the opportunity arises, Lian Yuji will even do this after Yunpin has completely relieved his guard.

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