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After half an hour, everyone left the ward and stopped at the door.

Lian Yuji is waiting for the cloud to sell.

He has a recent relationship with Yunpin. If Yunpin really has any abnormality in this matter, he should be most worried. But his expression was light, as if he was not affected at all.

Leng Ze stared at him for a moment, and suddenly said seriously, "Your marksmanship and close quarters are very good."


Lian Yuji's tone was flat.

"It's enough to protect the children."

Leng Ze was instantly certain that his relationship with Yun Pin might be similar to his relationship with Geng Zhi, far from being just a teammate as it seemed.

"In the second round of the promotion round, I hope I can still fight with you."

After Leng Ze finished speaking, he finally left the ward with Geng Zhi.

Although in this competition, Leng was eliminated early, but he also gained more points, and it must be more than enough to enter the second round.

But Lian Yuji and his purpose are fundamentally different.

He didn't answer, turned his head and glanced at the door quietly, still closed silently.

Inside, Xin Su sat down and asked straight to the point.

"Yunpin, do you have a thorough understanding of your condition?"

His expression was very solemn. He was worried about Yunpin's body, but also felt that such a trait would indeed bring earth-shaking changes to the game.

Looking at each other for a moment, Yun Pin lowered his eyelashes indifferently, "It's normal."

"According to our several tests, we found that your physique is very different from when you first participated in the competition, which is mainly reflected in the Energy tolerance and reaction."

Xin Su said earnestly: "Strictly speaking, you are not suitable to participate in the competition now."

Yun Pin was slightly startled and asked, "Then you want to disqualify me from the competition?"

Xin Su couldn't help but pause.

It would be too inhumane to say that he was disqualified. It would be too cruel for Yun Pin to deprive him of the opportunity he had obtained by virtue of his hard work.

"We support every player to have enough stages to show themselves and to develop their full potential. This is the purpose of this competition, but we also care about your body."

Xin Su said patiently: "This is just one of them . Suggestion, if you don't want us, we won't force it."

"Unwilling." Yunpin said.

Instead, Xin Su admired him, nodded and said, "In this case, I have other requirements. Because of the particularity of your condition, in the future, whether it is before or after the game, you will need to do a more detailed and accurate medical examination. I will apply for it. Blossoming Biology intervenes in advance."

This is the purpose of Yunpin's participation in the competition, as long as it receives the support of Blossoming Biology, Yunpin will have hope of surviving.

But it's very strange that his biggest goal was achieved so easily, but Yunpin didn't mean to be surprised. He just replied softly, "Thank you."

[MTL, BL] I'm Weak and Pretty in The Infinite Variety ShowWhere stories live. Discover now