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When Lian Yuji saw the ward behind him, he actually knew where Yunpin was.

After Yunpin sent him the address, he finally confirmed it and took the lander to the dew viewing area.

Yun Pin was not afraid of injections now, so he sat up and urged, "Don't do it at night, do it now."

All the people in the room, including Fu Suwen and the doctor, cast a surprised look at him.

They have never seen Yunpin so impatient.

"Is that your friend?" Rune Suwen, who had been paying close attention to Yunpin's movements, quickly guessed it, "You guys seem to have a good relationship during this time, and it's the bracelet he gave you?" "That's

right." Yunpin hesitated. After a while, he finally made a decision and said, "But he didn't send it to me because he knew the function of this metal, he just thought it looked good, he was just an ordinary person."

"I know."

Rune Suwen nodded, "You don't need

to stress too much, if he wasn't an ordinary person, he would have been arrested by us for research now."

Not to mention that it is impossible for ordinary people to know the existence of spiritual power, even if he does know from some unspeakable means... This kind of behavior is too dangerous.

It is almost equivalent to handing over his life to Yunpin, no ordinary friend would be willing to do such a thing.

The moment they saw the bracelet, they just thought that Yunpin might not reject such behavior. Since he is willing to wear it, maybe this plan will really have a chance.

"You think about it again."

Rune Suwen was silent for a moment, but still said solemnly: "If you can really find the existence of accepting the contract, after your assessment is credible, sign a non-disclosure agreement, and we will give him all the compensation he wants."

Such thinking is not selfish.

There are a total of thirteen topics related to spiritual power, and such topics will definitely only increase in the future, and it cannot be said that doing such a thing is only for the treatment of cloud sales.

When the day of the oracle age came, all of them were willing to sacrifice their lives for it.

Yunpin lowered his eyes and did not speak.

He endured the pain, finished the last injection silently, and when he was finally able to leave the experimental base, Xiao Xu was a little pity, and said, "Alas." After

a while, Yun Pin also sighed faintly: "Alas."

Xiao Xu : ?

It is worried that Yunpin is not willing to close the original stone, and the contract is not willing to use it. What if he can't control himself and use his power in the future... But what is Yunpin worried about?

"Are you still thinking about whether Lian Yuji likes you or not?"

Xiao Xu suddenly woke up.


Yun Pin was no longer in the mood to think about these things, and was full of nervousness about seeing each other soon, and said: "Did you say Lian Yuji has been to Stormwind Star? Do I want to take him for a walk? OK? But I have no experience, and I have never traveled far..."

[MTL, BL] I'm Weak and Pretty in The Infinite Variety ShowWhere stories live. Discover now