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After listening to Lian Yuji's words just now, Dr. Cen raised his head abruptly with a shocking expression on his face.

He never imagined that Lian Yuji would still have such an idea, and the picture of him getting along with Yunpin came to his mind in an instant. He always felt as if he had neglected something, and he couldn't tell from the chaos all of a sudden...

"Wait." Dr. Cen suddenly said, "So you like Yunpin?"

Lian Yuji paused.

The word "like", if Naro's words count, this is the third time he has heard it recently.

When Na Luo just said, he still thought it was impossible, Yun Pin was too young. I watched him grow up, and I felt that he was the only friend who accompanied me all these years, how could I have that kind of thoughts about him.

But once this idea begins to arise, all kinds of subtle emotions will grow desperately uncontrollably.

He also heard it in Yunpin's mouth.

At that time, he was only expressing calmly, but his heart was violently pulling with every slight emotional change in Yunpin. He felt that this was not right, but he was not completely sure.

Anything related to cloud sales, he needs to be extra cautious.

Dr. Cen didn't hear his answer, but he didn't wait to deny anything, so he thought he had acquiesced to this matter, and the shock in his heart was even worse, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Until a long time, the instrument next to it suddenly rang.

Yunpin's first bottle of cleansing water had been filled, and Dr. Cen immediately turned around to replace him with the second bottle. But the room was so quiet, and there was no more communication.

Cloud Pin woke up after two hours.

At this time, his water had just started the third bottle. He opened his eyes gently, and his mind was still a little confused, but the touch of the needle on the back of his hand was particularly clear.

Subconsciously, he let out a sigh.

"What's wrong with me this time? Has the influence of the game been so serious?"

He originally asked Xiaoxu, but when Xiaoxu was even with Yuji, he didn't dare to speak at all. Aim at Lian Yuji next to him.

"It's okay." Lian Yuji lowered his eyes, "The symptoms have stabilized now."

Yun Pin was stunned for a moment, and then saw Lian Yuji, and suddenly his pupils lit up slightly, and in a flash, he seemed to be a little restrained, cramped. He pursed his lips.

Dr. Cen had a panoramic view of this appearance, and his mood was unexpectedly delicate.

He looked at the children who grew up since he was a child...

Doctor Cen shook his head and said, "Don't move around when you wake up. There are still three injections to be done later. If you feel bored, just play with your brains."

Yun Pin heard He was about to get another injection, his eyelashes trembled reflexively, but even Yuji was by his side, so he was not so afraid, and looked at Lian Yuji eagerly.

Lian Yuji couldn't help but chuckle.

All the questions that lingered in the silence just now disappeared. As long as Yunpin looked at him, he no longer thought about anything, walked over and sat down in front of him, took out his light brain and turned the pages for him, asking: " What do you want to see?"

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