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But there is a problem. "

In the viewing area, because the atmosphere is rare and relaxed, everyone's topic involuntarily spreads around the Sword in the Stone.

"The Sword in the Stone seems to be a sword, but it is actually a strange beast. "

"Really?" "

Most of the people present didn't know about this, and quickly asked: "Then how can it be used as a sword?" "

Tame it." "

Relevant personnel explained in detail, "As long as the sword is drawn, it can be dispatched by the sword-drawer, and this is its domestication process. "

Everyone suddenly realized.

" No wonder. "They nodded approvingly." This is enough to show his importance as a core resource, which should not be underestimated. "

"The most important thing is that it is absolutely impossible to use cloud sales in this way.

Some people shook their heads and sighed: "If the sword can't be drawn, it must be impossible for him to use it. " "

"Indeed. "

This is also a significant shortcoming of cloud sales. "

There's no way..."

"Wait." At

this moment, I don't know who was stunned for a while, and rubbed his eyes suspiciously.

"Have you seen that the sword in the stone seems to move?" "


Shi Zhongjian trembled.

At the moment when he heard the "click" of his leg, Xiao Xu also trembled in a conditioned reflex. He,

who has long been experienced in this kind of thing, silently covered his ears.

After a while , howling and screaming really broke through the sky in an instant.

"Ah ah ah ah! my leg! "

Shi Zhongjian hugged his amputation and cried, "Why did my leg break!"

Xiao Xu patted its shoulder and said with empathy: "Because you don't respect our sales, you know he is Who? Dare to do anything wrong, ah?"

Shi Zhongjian was stunned, "Who, who?"

"If nothing else, he is your new master." Xiao Xu coughed lightly and said quickly. : "And I will give you a very honorable mission next."

"Huh?" Shi Zhongjian said blankly: "...my new master? But he didn't draw his sword?"

"What is in your mind ? It's not just drawing swords!" Xiao Xu was so angry that he punched it, "Drawing swords without legs, do you want to break another leg !


Jian endured the pain of his broken leg, begging for mercy again and again.

Yunpin was very satisfied with this, and threw his legs to Xiaoxu to eat, saying: "Wherever you eat to make up for it, your legs will grow back after eating." Xiaoxu

didn't really want to eat it, but he ate it yesterday because he ingested it. I've had a lot of leg bursts. If I fix it today, it won't happen, right?

But it is also greedy. Can the energy of the sword in the stone be the same as the energy of the crystal bullet that has been used?

"I...I eat!" Xiao Xu finally couldn't stand the temptation.

[MTL, BL] I'm Weak and Pretty in The Infinite Variety ShowWhere stories live. Discover now