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All the screens suddenly went black.

"What's going on?"

Everyone in the viewing area was shocked.

"It's the cameras that are all broken!" The

technician immediately rectified the fault and took a deep breath. "I don't know if the line of defense is too dense, or because the beast swarm is too fierce."

Seeing this, Xin Su turned around and left.

There are emergency measures in the map. Under the monitoring, it can be seen that most of the players' energy devices in the oasis are still on, which means survival.

However, Xin Su was still anxious, and went to the medical area to check the facilities and status in person, to ensure that once a player was sent out, he would be able to receive treatment immediately.

"Do you want to send a new camera over now?"

Someone asked, "It's not a solution if you can't see the picture all the time."

"Give a few aerial seats first." The

relevant personnel commanded: "Look at the overall condition of the arena. ."

There was a brief silence in the arena at this time.

Among the exhausted players, someone finally thought that Yun Pin was still standing there, and immediately turned his head and shouted his name, but before the words could be said, his voice choked directly in his throat.

He saw the most incredible scene in his life.

The beast hordes that covered the entire desert and covered the clouds and the sun, faced the cloudless moment, and extreme fear slowly rose in the eyes. Yun Pin just stood there, his skeleton was thin and lonely, but his expression was so indifferent that it was almost terrifying.

Then Yunpin was extremely shallow and hooked his lips.

It was his unconscious move.

He suppressed the entire half of the game, including the hostility of the entire seven-day off-season before the promotion, and got a frantic release at this time.

However, all the huge alien beasts suddenly exploded with unprecedented tremors at this moment. They fled desperately like a tide, wishing their hooves were flying, vividly interpreting what crap is.

The dark clouds dissipated in an instant, and the entire desert was clean.

If it weren't for the flying dust that hadn't dissipated for a long time, everyone would have wondered if the beast tide just now had been hallucinating for a

while, and all the players rubbed their eyes in unison, their faces full of confusion.

This is what they see when the camera in the air is unfolded in an instant.

"No, no?"

Everyone in the viewing area was stunned.

"Why, why is it gone?" After a long while, they all threw themselves in front of the screen and couldn't believe their eyes, "What about the beast tide? What about such a

big beast tide?"

Su also strode back, and immediately asked, "How is it now, are there any contestants..." In

the next instant, he was also stunned.

"Where's the beast tide?"

"Damn it! What's going on?"

[MTL, BL] I'm Weak and Pretty in The Infinite Variety ShowWhere stories live. Discover now