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Naomi has never felt so comfortable before.

The potion in her hand was prepared for herself from a long time ago. Forcibly arousing her mental power did risk destroying the brain nerves. The body that could not bear the awakening of power would explode in an instant, or even vanish to nothing. So from a very early time, Natong has been injecting himself with various illegal drugs.

These drugs can reduce Natong's nerve sensitivity, and to a certain extent, can make Natong's body change silently and become more solid and stubborn. For this reason, she does not hesitate to distort her reason. The side effects of the drug are worse than death...

But now, such pain has allowed her to save her life when her spiritual power was awakened. Even because of the depression of nerve sensitivity, when the spiritual power awakened, a powerful force erupted!

Natong took a light breath and felt that her internal organs seemed to be damaged, but she used her mental power to cover herself from the inside to the outside without a teacher, to prevent herself from losing consciousness or even losing consciousness under such heavy damage. Lost life.

As long as her mental strength hasn't exceeded the threshold that her body can bear, she can bear the consequences, no matter how serious it is.

Natong looked at the corpses and pools of blood everywhere with joy, and a trace of madness flashed uncontrollably in her eyes.

She is too aware of the dose and effect of the injection to herself, which is completely different from the one that circulates on various planets, so she can easily confirm... Among all the awakened spiritual powers, her spiritual power must be the strongest!

The mental chaos continued.

Under the influence of other people's spiritual power, more and more people showed signs of awakening, but there were too many people who couldn't bear such power and turned into pieces on the spot. And those who slowly regained sobriety from their strength, after discovering the changes they brought, gradually became a source of confusion.

When the medical staff and soldiers hurriedly evacuated the masses to other places, the wounded who needed to be supported suddenly used their own strength tentatively.

His mental power volleyed all the people around him. His eyes were frantic, and he seemed to be in control of the world at that moment, striding out amid the panic screams of the people around him, venting his desire for destruction with great comfort, feeling unprecedented madness and happiness!

The abuse of mental power begins.

The major planets urgently recalled the combat power that has awakened spiritual power, but is still able to stay awake, including Xin Su.

After Xin Su realized that he had awakened his spiritual power, he also briefly experienced visceral spasms and signs of loss of consciousness due to sharp nerve pains, but he recovered quickly - this situation is defined by Ying Yuze as receptive awakening, not It was forcibly stimulated by medicine, but it was affected and infected by other chaotic mental powers, so the symptoms were so mild.

But Xin Su was not relieved because of this.

The chaos of all the planets became more and more serious with the naked eye. After he came out of the laboratory, he immediately went to meet the Marshal of Bing Lingxing. The marshal showed unprecedented anger after knowing that he did not obey the order, not only threatened to take back his military rank, but also sent him to the interstellar prison!

As everyone knows, Xin Su at this time is even more angry than him.

If it weren't for the fact that there are so many innocent people in Binglingxing, Xin Su would have already moved to other planets with his capable officers, and at least the other planets are all trying to curb this. The situation is desperately trying, but what about Bing Lingxing?

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