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"..." In the

live broadcast room, the audience was all dumbfounded.

Just a few short minutes ago, they were still discussing who could draw the sword, and the result was that any player except Yun Pin himself should have a chance.

But when the camera went black, the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

"Ah, ah!"

"It's sales, it is sold!"

"Is there five thousand points this time?"

"" "" "" "" There were many people, and a lot of them were quickly eliminated in the melee later, but there were definitely more than 200!"

"Pinpin is the first again!"

"Pinpin is really strong!" The

viewing area stared at the dark The screen was unable to make a sound for a long time.

"So how did Yunpin do it this time?" "

Don't tell me it's because of his physique." The

analyst was stunned for a long time, and finally said with difficulty: "This factor is not ruled out..."

It doesn't matter if it is really a sword, but it is still a kind of alien beast in essence. The reaction of the alien beast to Yunpin was obvious to all. Although Yunpin didn't draw his sword, he was afraid that he couldn't stand the alien beast!

Everyone: "..."

"It's too much, it's really too much."

After a long while, someone finally couldn't help propping up the table, holding his forehead and muttering, "This game can't continue."

"The words I can't say that, but this map just corresponds to the strengths of Yunpin, our next map is not necessarily based on the performance of Yunpin, you must know that Yunpin has shortcomings almost everywhere."

"And this time Yunpin can go to the end, Lian Yuji's help is indispensable. Don't just see the group destruction brought by Yunpin, can Lian Yuji's A-level score also be re-evaluated? He is Directly killed Leng Ze and Geng Zhi!" The

room suddenly became noisy, and the relevant personnel had a heated discussion because of the content of the game.

Xin Su didn't care about this. He could resume the game at any time. He pushed away the chair and quickly left the viewing room.

The medical district is busy again.

Most of the players fell into a coma the moment the energy device was shattered, and were directly thrown into the medical cabin after being carried back by the aircraft.

There were also players who seemed to be unaffected, jumped off the aircraft with ease, and ran into Leng Ze who was standing at the door with a grim look.

Lian Yuji glanced at him lightly, but did not speak. After Yunpin's aircraft fell, he immediately hugged Yunpin, put it on the automatic rack, and sent him to the exclusive medical room.

The female doctor arrived quickly and said, "Give Yunpin some water first."

It was an ordinary nutritional supplement. While watching the game, the female doctor discovered that Yunpin was overstretched. The most important thing for him now is to get his body out of a low-pressure state.

During the entire busy process, Lian Yuji's eyes have been quietly falling on Yun Pin.

Leng Ze and Geng Zhi followed, and Geng Zhi quietly said: "Why are Lian Yuji and Yun Pin so good?"

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