Chapter 4| Paper Tulips

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 2001-- W A Y N E M A N O R, Gotham

Maisara had been released a couple days ago. She had been strictly forbidden by Alfred to do any physically grueling activity, which in his eyes included walking. The only interaction she ever had was Oliver. Oliver visited frequently and stayed for long hours just to spend time with her. Alfred thought it a sweet relationship between the two youngsters. 

Bruce forbid her from working as well. When told this, Maisara gave a teasing grin and proceeded to ask if he cared about her. He kept a straight face, but her rest period was shortened from a month to 2 weeks. Right now, Oliver had just left, and Bruce decided to finally ask her to that circus thing. 

Bruce slowly walked up to her room, silently hoping she'd be asleep, but she wasn't. It was 5 pm. Nobody slept then. 

Maisara was on her bed, doodling when she heard a knock on the door. Not attempting to think it was anyone other than Alfred, she let them in.

"Come in!" She spoke in a load voice, not once looking up from her drawing. The door creaked open and in stepped Bruce. Maisara still hadn't looked up, so Bruce just stood there awkwardly until she herself wondered why Alfred wasn't moving and finally looked up. Her eyes slightly widened and her mouth formed an 'o' shape.

"Mr. Bruce? What are you doing here?" She asked him. Bruce finally walked over to her and handed her the tickets.

"Here. There's a circus show tomorrow night and I got tickets." Bruce simply said, still holding out the tickets. Maisara took them from his hands.

"For... me and you?" She questioned unsurely. "Why?" 

"Do you not want to go?" Bruce asked in return.

"What? No, Of course I want to go!" Maisara hurriedly replied.

"Then be ready by 6 pm tomorrow." Bruce stated, and then turned to leave when Maisara looked up with a teasing grin.

"Wait a minute. Is this an apology for me because you made me work when I was sick?" She said in a teasing tone.

"You know what, let's not go to-" Bruce began. She had hit the nail on the head and he didn't quite know how to respond.

"NO! no, no no, no. I'm sorry, okay!" Maisara interrupted. "We're going."

Bruce gave a hidden smirk and left the room. Back with Maisara, she smiled giddily at the tickets. She was so happy her relationship with him was finally growing, and so, instantly got up to decide her outfit.

So many clothes yet so little options. She couldn't believe what was in her closet when she got to the end of it. It was the box her father left her with. She'd never had the courage to open it. It was just too painful. Currently, Maisara didn't know what to think of her father, but before, she used to see him as a good man which basically abandoned her, so it hurt more. She remembered that she kept this box locked away because it was a constant reminder for her that he once existed, and he once abandoned her.

 Now Maisara wasn't affected by him, and to prove to herself, she decided to open the box.

Inside the box was a dress. It was a white with a little embroidery about the waist. The first layer was of white chiffon, and then layers of sheer built up a column shape of the dress which was extremely pinched at the waist. Then, as a final layer for the skirt, linen was used to give the overall look. The top too was only made up of Linen. It had a straight across neckline and a mix of a Cape sleeve and a Bishop sleeve, also made of linen. All in all, it was simple, elegant, yet beautiful.

As she admired it, her eyes caught onto something else in the box. A note and a locket. The locket was simple and made of metal. She picked up the locket, and saw a picture of her father and her inside, smiling like nothing was wrong. Unknowingly she had a smile on her face. She then turned to the note, hoping it would cheer her up as the previous two things did.

Picking it up from the box, she noticed it was her father's handwriting. Her smile already started to grow. It was a coffee stained paper with writing from what Maisara presumed to be with a fountain pen. She started to read the letter.

'My lovely princess,

You can't believe how sorry I am for leaving you as such. I knew you weren't safe at home alone with her, so there was nothing else I could do. I want to protect you, my sweet little princess, so I gave you away, please understand.

This locket is for you, as well as the dress. The locket is for you to remember me and the dress is to remember your mom. I know you didn't exactly love her, but it's okay, because she's still your mother. I know, one day, you'll regret all the fights you had, all the things you said to her, so I left this keepsake of hers for you so that you don't feel too  much regret.

Stay safe, and stay healthy, young one. I love you.


By the end of the letter, she was crying. The things she said to that woman? What things? The things she said to her inside her head because that drunkard couldn't let her speak? Regret? That woman abused her for the sole fact that she lost the baby she had conceived with another man! Maisara had tried to understand so many times, but she just couldn't. Did grieving mean you abuse others till they can't walk? Doesn't a person cherish their other children more after one's death? Or was that just Maisara's sheltered misconception of the world?

Maisara's hatred for her father grew. She hated her father because he never once listened to her. He always listened to that woman, but never to her! It was like her opinion and feelings didn't exist! As long as she wasn't physically harmed, it was okay, and nobody needed to pay her any mind. She never knew she didn't see it before.

She shoved the things back into the box and instantly opened the door. Maisara went out into the hallway, and stormed down the stairs to the kitchen.

Alfred was cooking dinner there. He turned his head to her and widened his eyes.

"Miss Maisara! Why are you out of-" He began.

"Alfred! Ple- please burn this." She interrupted. 


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