Part 1

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A few notes before we begin:
1. I have never personally had cancer. My grandpa had it a few years ago so I have seen it, and in nursing school we learn about it, and I have tried to do as much research as I possibly can to make sure I get this right, but I do not mean to offend anyone. If I ever say anything that is blatantly wrong, please let me know.

2. This takes place in the same universe a A Bambina or Bambino of Our Own. You don't have to have read it for this to make sense, but some helpful information if you have not read that story: Maya is Battalion Chief, Andy is Captain of 19. Maya and Carina have two daughters, Elenora Mason and Rowan Andrea who are twins. That's all that's really important right now, but if more becomes relevant, I will try to add it in.

Now, on with the story.


It was time for Carina's annual gynecological exam. The twins were a little over two, and she and she and Maya had seriously been talking about adding a third little one to the mix. Carina had her regular gynecology appointment today and then in two weeks, they were heading to the fertility doctor to talk about implanting another embryo.

Things were going well. The girls were growing and talking more and more every day, surprising both their mothers with every new thing they learned. Just the other day, Rowan had learned how to open their baby gates, meaning the twins were now running around the house freely which was exhausting.

Carina hadn't been feeling quite normal the past few months, especially around her period. It had been so much heavier than normal and she had been having intermittent pelvic pain, though that had happened on and off since the girls were born. She had been trying to do more yoga and pelvic floor exercises to try to get her body into optimum shape before she tried to get pregnant again. She wasn't sure it was helping, but it wasn't hurting so she kept up with it. She was secretly looking forward to getting pregnant again because her periods had been so bad and not having one for nine plus months sounded great.

Maya had to work the morning of her appointment so they went together to drop the twins off at daycare, something they did whenever they could.

"Alright Rowan and Nora, I love you so so much," Maya said, squatting down and squeezing both of her babies, "Have so much fun with your friends. I will miss you, but hopefully, I will be home for books and songs tonight, ok?"

"Si Mommy," Rowan nodded, giving Maya a hug and kiss, "Ti lobe bene."

Maya smiled, never tiring of hearing the girls mix their Italian and English together.

"Bye," Nora said, also giving Maya a kiss, "Lobe you."

"Ciao miei bambini," Carina said, also giving both girls hugs, "Ti voglio bene. I will be back in a few hours."

"Lobe you Mamma," Nora and Rowan said together before turning toward the daycare, Nancy, one of the workers, letting them in, both the little blonde and brunette turning and waving at their moms before running to find their friends.

"I can't wait until we have another one," Maya said, smiling as they both watched the girls run over to Harper.

"Neither can I," Carina smiled as she turned to face her wife, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Maya said, leaning up and giving Carina a kiss, "Now, I need to get to work. Enjoy your appointment, a necessary evil."

"They are not so bad," Carina shrugged, "Just uncomfortable. It will be fine. I'll see you tonight?"

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