Part 12

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Getting a day of just the four of them being home together was a lot nicer and more relaxing that Maya anticipated. She had decided to wait to go for her run until the twins were awake, taking them with her so Carina could sleep in a little bit.

Once they got back, the blonde made breakfast for the girls before helping Carina come downstairs where she spent the morning on the couch, the girls taking turns curling up next to her with books for her to read and toys to show her, both little girls being very careful.

At one point, Rowan insisted on seeing Carina's "ouchie" which the Italian showed her without hesitation, knowing how important it was for toddlers to know what was going on and visually be able to see things. She also knew her incision was healing well and didn't look too bad. Rowan studied it for a while, reaching out to touch it, only to have Maya intercept her hand.

"We can't touch Mamma's ouchie," Maya said gently, making sure not to scare her, "Remember, it might hurt, and you might have germs on your hands that could make Mamma sick which would not be good."

"I will let you touch it when it is better," Carina assured the blonde-haired toddler who still seemed a little concerned, "But for right now, only looking."

"Otay," Rowan said, studying the incision.

"I think we might have a future doctor on our hands," Maya laughed as Rowan got down, "I have never seen anyone study an incision like that who is not a doctor or nurse."

"Maybe she will be," Carina said, pulling her shirt back down, "Or maybe she will do something else. Whatever she does, she is going to be great at it."

"Yes she will," Maya nodded, helping Carina readjust a little, "Now, is there anything else you need?"

The rest of that day had just been spent at home, relaxing and just being together for the first time in too long. Carina went back up to her bed when the twins napped, her body pretty tired from being downstairs and awake the entire morning.

The afternoon after nap time, the family spent in Maya and Carina's room, the Italian not feeling like pulling herself back downstairs.

Andrew brought dinner by that night which was homemade spaghetti which everyone loved.

While the twins ate, Maya made their lunches for the next day, knowing she was going to be back at work and the twins back at daycare. She was not really excited to go back to work, not wanting to leave her wife home alone, but Carina insisted she was fine and that she could handle herself. She was able to get up and down the stairs alone even though it was exhausting and she could get herself around the house just fine. Maya still didn't like it, but she also had a plan to leave Carina with enough food upstairs that she wouldn't need to go downstairs if she didn't want to.

Once the twins were in bed after Maya gave them a bath and Carina read them books and sang them songs, the blonde went back into the master bedroom where her wife was relaxing in bed.

"Carina, are you sure I should go back tomorrow?" Maya asked, sitting down on the bed, "I mean, you are still so tired and you shouldn't be pushing yourself too hard and..."

"Bambina, hey, come here," Carina said, knowing her wife was spinning out, "I am ok. I am moving much better than I was even just two days ago and I am also feeling better. I have very much appreciated having you home with me the past few days, but I promise you I will be ok on my own. I have sent patients home who have had a similar surgery who were alone within 24 hours of being discharged, and I have been so lucky to have you home with me for 4 days since I have been home. And I have a phone and I'm sure if I need something, all I need to do is send a text and someone will be here within minutes. I am ok Bambina. We cannot put our entire lives on hold while I am healing."

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