Part 6

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Carina went up to her office, setting down her bag and starting to get everything in order. It was 11:15, meaning Maya should be there soon. Carina debated if she wanted to put her scrubs on before or after her meeting. She decided to do it before, not knowing how long this meeting was going to take.

She didn't have any patients to see until 12:30 which was good because she wasn't confident in her ability to go to this meeting and be composed enough to have a patient by noon.

She changed into her scrubs before she started pacing around her office, feeling completely wound up and anxious.

She looked at her clock, seeing it was 11:25 and Maya still wasn't there yet. She hoped her wife hadn't forgotten about their plan, not sure if she would be able to tell her boss on her own.

As the clock turned to 11:30, she desperately tried to calm her breathing and get herself ready to do this meeting on her own. However, just as she was about to go to Bailey's office, the door to her office flew open.

"Sorry I'm late," Maya said, running into Carina's office at 11:31, "I really tried to be on time. I'm sorry."

"It's ok," Carina said quietly, feeling some of the stress leave her body when she saw her wife "I'm glad you're here."

"Of course," Maya said, "I promised you I would. I tried to get out of the station on time, but I...I told Vic, Andy, and Travis and it took a little longer than I anticipated."

"It's ok," Carina said, seeing the slight puffiness in her wife's face, "How did it go?"

"We can talk about it later," Maya said, going over to her wife, "Come on. We need to go talk to Bailey."

"I don't want to," Carina sighed, pulling Maya into a hug.

"I know," Maya said, rubbing her back, "But she has to know."

Carina nodded, just savoring her wife's hug for one more second before they pulled away from each other.

"Ready?" Maya asked, slipping her hand into her wife's.

"Si," Carina nodded as they headed out of her office, heading up to Bailey's office.

As they got in the elevator, suddenly, Teddy walked in.

"Bishop Delucas," Teddy said, "Hey."

"Hey," Maya said, smiling as best as she could, Carina also offering a small wave.

"Is everything ok?" Teddy asked, sensing something was off.

"How long are you working today?" Carina asked.

"I get off at 2, why?" Teddy asked, feeling very confused.

"Can you drop by my office before you leave?" Carina asked.

"Sure," Teddy said, "Is everything ok?"

"Just come by before you leave," Carina said as the elevator dinged for their floor, "And if you see Amelia, tell her I need to talk to her too."

Teddy was very confused as Maya and Carina left the elevator, but her pager suddenly went off with an emergency page so she mostly forgot about it as she got mentally prepared for an incoming cardiac arrest. Maya and Carina made their way down the hall, stopping in front of Bailey's office.

"I'm right here," Maya said, squeezing Carina's hand, "And I can tell her if you want. You just jump in when you feel like it ok?"

"Grazie Bambina," Carina nodded as she lifted her hand, knocking on the door.

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