Part 10

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 The next couple of days were long and exhausting for both Maya and Carina. Maya would get up every morning, run on the treadmill with the baby monitor so she knew when the twins woke up. She would then get herself and the girls ready for the day before taking the twins to daycare and going to spend the day with her wife. During that time, she was trying to learn as much as she could about how to help Carina at home while also helping her wife with everything she needed.

The day after Carina's surgery, Maya had just gotten there when PT came to help Carina get out of bed for the first time. That had been an incredibly hard thing for Maya to watch and for Carina to experience. Carina struggled with moving, the pain in her abdomen making it extremely challenging. Maya hated seeing her wife in pain, but both Carina and the physical therapist insisted that she needed to get up and moving. The Italian managed to walk from the bed to the door of her room and back again before she needed to sit back down.

Carina's drains were out at the 24 hours mark which was good. She had a little more bleeding than they wanted to see, but it ended up resolving itself.

Maya brought the girls up to visit one at a time on Carina's second day post-op. The girls were so happy to see their mamma, and while they both tried to be careful, Maya could already see it was going to be hard to have the girls around Carina while she was recovering. It was that day that they made the decision that the twins would go spend some time with their aunts and uncles for the first few days Carina was home, just to give her some more time to recover and allow Maya to give her all the help she was going to need. Carina also could tell Maya was getting overwhelmed and knew that not being pulled in as many directions all at once would help.

On her third day after surgery, Carina got to shower which was exhausting and more painful than she wanted. Maya helped her with the shower, which was nice and after it, Carina slept for most of the rest of the day. She was awake when Dr. Cho came in to inform her that as long as everything went well, she would be released the following day.

Around noon on the fourth day, Carina was all packed up and ready to go home.

"I'm going to go get the car Babe," Maya said after she helped her into the wheelchair.

"Ok," Carina nodded as the nurse came in to push Carina down to the car.

Getting her into the car proved to be much less enjoyable that anything else they had tried, and there were a few tears shed, but Carina was eventually in the car.

"Alright Carina," the nurse said, "Enjoy your time at home."

"Grazie," Carina said tiredly, already exhausted from just getting in the car.

"Let's get you home," Maya said, smiling at her wife as the nurse shut the door.

"Yes please," Carina said, letting her eyes close as Maya started driving, "Who has the bambine tonight?"

"Amelia and Link," Maya said, "And if you are up to it, Amelia offered to stop by our place on her way home so you can see them."

"I want to see them," Carina said, opening her eyes a little.

"Why don't we wait and see how you are feeling when we get home?" Maya said, knowing Carina was already not feeling great.

"No," Carina said adamantly, "I want to see them."

"Ok," Maya said, knowing not being with the twins was hard for Carina, "I will tell her to bring them by."

The rest of their short drive home was quiet, Carina just resting her eyes and trying to mentally prepare for what is was going to be like getting up to their room. Maya had offered to move their bed down to the living room because stairs were going to be hard for Carina as she healed, but the Italian insisted that was silly and that she would be fine. She was still pretty sure it would be fine, but she was also very achy and knew she was due for pain meds in about an hour which meant she was starting to get more uncomfortable.

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