Part 8

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The day before Carina's surgery was also Valentine's Day and just about every single one of their friends had offered to take the twins so they could have a night out together to celebrate the day of love, but Carina had been extremely insistent that she wanted to spend as much time as she could with the twins, knowing she was probably not going to see them for a few days while she was in the hospital and she wouldn't be able to pick them up for two months. The thought of that made her want to spend the entire day just holding them close and not put them down for the entire day. However, she knew that that would never happen because the twins were active two-year-olds who almost never wanted to be held for long periods of time.

Maya was pretty determined to make that Valentine's Day special for all her favorite ladies. She had worked pretty late the night before to make sure everything was done in preparation for her time off.

She had unfortunately worked though bedtime, Andy helping her type up her reports until 19 got called out. Luckily for her, Vic was on desk duty after a minor burn on her hand during their last shift and a bribe of coffee and cookies delivered via UberEATS, Maya convinced the younger woman to help her. They had worked until close to 11 pm before they got all the inspection forms filled out along with all the other paperwork Maya needed to have done.

As soon as they were done, Vic promptly kicked her out of the station, telling her that she needed to be at home with her wife. Maya nodded, heading out the door.

When she got home, instead of climbing into bed, she got to work making the spinach, bacon, tomato quiche her wife always loved. Once it was prepped, she put the unbaked pie in the fridge, making sure the kitchen was clean before finally heading up to bed close to 1 am.

She crawled into bed, Carina instantly moving toward her in her sleep, Maya pressing a kiss to her forehead as she wrapped her arms around her, wanting to hold onto this feeling forever, knowing that it was probably going to be hard to hold her wife for a while after her surgery.

It took the blonde close to an hour to fall asleep, her mind going through everything she had planned for the following day as well as what needed to get done before Carina's surgery to make sure everything ran smoothly.

Eventually, she did manage to fall asleep, sleeping until 5:30 when her body naturally woke her up. Maya knew she was racking up a significant sleep deficit at this point, but there wasn't much she could do.

She and Carina had both taken their prescription strength sleep aids when Andrew had the twins a few nights before because neither of them had been sleeping well which had helped a lot. However, she was still exhausted and knew that the next few nights, sleep was probably going to be complete garbage. She would have stayed in bed longer, knowing Carina loved waking up in her arms, but she had to go out and get flowers and a few other things before anyone woke up.

She carefully got out of bed, changing into her running clothes before heading out the door. She planned to run her normal route and then swing by the store that was only about a block away from where they lived at the end to get the flowers she had pre-ordered as well as some little boxes of chocolates for the twins. She had a box of specialty chocolates for her wife that she had had shipped from Italy by Carina's cousin that she had hidden in the only cabinet in the kitchen Carina never opened, the one containing Maya's protein shake mixes, pre-workouts, and vitamins. She grabbed the items from the store, also picking up some fresh fruit and some fresh squeezed juice before heading home.

The house was luckily still quiet when she walked through the door around 7. She quickly went into the kitchen, getting the flowers into the vases she had set out the night before, two small bouquets for the twins as well as a large bouquet of carnations for her wife. She put the flowers at each person's spot before setting out the chocolates and another small box at her wife's place as well.

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