Part 23

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Ask and you shall receive.  Here is the epilogue.  It's close to 15k words so strap in for a long one.  


The days following the end of Carina's treatment were relatively calm. They were pretty similar to the days while she was in treatment except that instead of having to go to the hospital at noon every day, Carina got to stay home, curled up in bed or on the couch and rest which was so much better.

Carina's body was still absolutely spent from her treatment and most of her days were spent resting the majority of the day. Her stomach was still very sensitive, but she seemed to have found a good balance with her meds that allowed her to at least get some food down most of the time.

Maya was working from home still to make sure Carina was well taken care of, though they both agreed that on Monday, Maya would go back to work in the office for at least half days because slowly, Carina was starting to regain her strength. Maya knew she needed to be back in the office again just so everyone could come talk to her in person more often and she just kept telling herself that Carina was fine, but it still made her incredibly nervous. She tried not to think about it and instead focused on taking care of her wife and daughters.

Nora and Rowan were both doing pretty well also. They were still more clingy then they had been prior to Carina's hospital admission, but with how tired Carina still was, she didn't mind that they wanted to sit in her lap and have her read to them more often than they wanted to run around the house getting into things they should not.

All in all, the Bishop-Deluca's were doing well.

Friday was another normal day for the family for the most part. Maya worked from home all day, picking up the girls from daycare along with pho at her wife's request. They had eaten dinner as a family and then taken a short walk because Carina was feeling well enough to do it, stopping to play at the park for a while.

"I am so much more grateful for these trips to the park now than I think I ever was before," Maya said as she watched Carina catch Nora at the bottom of the slide.

"Me too," Carina agreed, tickling Nora a little as Rowan yelled across the playground for Maya to come help her with the monkey bars.

After about twenty minutes, Carina was starting to get tired so she went and sat down on one of the benches, just watching her wife chase their girls around, snapping a few pictures. As the twins went to climb on the equipment again, Maya jogged over to Carina.

"You ok?" she asked, sitting down next to her wife, "We can go it you are too tired."

"No," Carina said, shaking her head, "I am fine. I just needed a little break."

"Ok," Maya said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Carina's lips.

"Mommy," Rowan called, drawing Maya back to the playground.

They stayed for a while longer before going home to get the twins ready for bed. Maya did baths for them, Carina taking out pajamas before sitting down in the rocking chair in the twin's room, trying to rally for bedtime. She hated that something as simple as going to the park for less than an hour made her this tired, but she tried to remind herself that a week ago, going to the park was too much. She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew, Rowan was standing in front of her wrapped in a towel, her little hand on Carina's knee.

"Mamma sweepin?" she asked.

"I think I was," Carina said, stretching a little bit, "Did you have a good bath?"

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