Part 13

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"Hello?" Maya said, answering the phone.

"Hi Maya," Nicole said, "I was just calling because Rowan has been out of sorts for a little while, and I just picked her up and she has a fever. It's 101.9 so we are going to need you to come pick her up."

"Of course," Maya said, already getting up and gathering her things, "I will be there in a few minutes."

"Ok," Nicole said, "I am hanging out with her in the sick room."

As soon as Maya hung up with the daycare, she called the chief, explaining what was going on. He told her to take as much time as she needed, something she was incredibly grateful for.

She then headed out of the station, A shift not working and no one from B shift around meaning she could just head straight to the hospital. Maya got to the daycare, finding Rowan looking absolutely miserable in the arms of one of the workers.

"Come here Patatina," Maya said, reaching out for the toddler who instantly clung to her.

"We have had a few kids out with hand foot and mouth this week," Nicole said, "So that might be what this is."

"What is that?" Maya asked, rubbing Rowan's back as the little girl fussed.

"It's a viral infection that can cause fever, loss of appetite, possibly an upset stomach, and then a rash on the hands, feet, mouth, throat, and sometimes in the diaper area," the daycare worker explained, "It's not uncommon in kiddos, especially the twins' age. She doesn't have a rash, but if it is hand foot and mouth, she will get one in the next day or so. It's pretty contagious so..."

"So, Nora is probably going to get it too," Maya said, now in an internal debate about whether or not to bring her other toddler home, "Um, how contagious is it to adults?"

"It can spread to adults, but hand washing and just good hygiene usually help a lot," the worker explained, "I have worked here for 10 years, and never gotten it even though we usually have an outbreak every couple of years."

"Ok," Maya said, "Is it ok if I leave Nora here and have a friend pick her up at the end of the day? If, by some miracle, she doesn't already have this, I would like to keep it that way if someone is willing to risk it."

"As long as she is fever free and has no other symptoms, that's fine," the worker said, "And we checked her for a fever when Rowan started feeling sick and she was good. Who are you going to have pick her up?"

"Victoria Hughes or Travis Montgomery," Maya said, "They are both on the list."

"Perfect," Nicole said, "Well, Miss Rowan, I hope you feel better soon."

Rowan just offered a half smiled, the little girl clearly not feeling well.

"Thank you," Maya said, heading out of the daycare.

Maya put Rowan in her car seat, the little girl fussing when she was put down.

"I know Ro," Maya said, brushing hair off her too warm forehead, "But you have to sit in your seat to go home."

"Uppie," Rowan cried as Maya buckled her in, "Uppie."

"I will pick you up as soon as we get home," Maya said, her heart breaking as she listened to her sick daughter cry.

Maya started the car, driving home as quickly as she could, Rowan crying/screaming the entire drive home. As soon as they got home, Maya bolted out of the car, scooping Rowan up into her arms, the little girl so upset and crying. Suddenly, the toddler gagged, throwing up all over herself and Maya, the blonde grimacing as it happened.

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