Part 2

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Carina felt her entire body go numb as Danielle continued to talk. She couldn't really hear what she was saying, having completely spaced out. Danielle quickly recognized this and stopped talking, gently putting her hand on Carina's knee.

"Carina," she said softly, "Hey, are you still with me?"

" need to text Maya or call her or so I tell her to come down here? No, she has to work. She should work. I can do this by myself. But she does need to take the twins to daycare," Carina rambled, her breathing becoming erratic.

"Carina, hey," Danielle said, "Look at me. I know this is a lot, but we are going to get you taken care of, ok? Maya can come down here and be with you if that's what you want. I know she would drop whatever she has going on in a second for you. She can hold your hand through the biopsy and I am going to have them rush the results so I should have them back today so we can set up a game plan moving forward. If those results are positive, I have a PET scan booked for this afternoon and I've already told Dr. Cho that I have a VIP patient that might need a consult later. We are going to get you as many answers as I can today. It's going to be a long day, and you shouldn't do it alone. Call Maya. Or I can call Maya for you if you need me to."

"I will call her," Carina said, letting out a shaky breath, "But, um. Can you stay in case I can't tell her what's going on?"

"Of course," Danielle nodded, "I'm right here."

Carina nodded before picking up her phone. She had a text from Maya from about two minutes ago asking if she was going to make it home in time to take the girls. Carina quickly called her wife, feeling her heart pounding as it rang.

"Hey Babe," Maya said, answering the phone, "Are you on your way home? If not, that's fine. The girls are dressed and ready for daycare if I need to take them."

"Um, Bambina," Carina started, voice shaky.

"What's going on?" Maya asked, immediately hearing something was wrong.

"The girls need to go to daycare today," Carina said, fighting to keep her voice steady.

"Ok," Maya said, "That's fine. Are you ok?"

"I need you to come here," Carina said, feeling tears well up in her eyes.

"Carina, what's going on?" Maya asked, her body going cold.

"I got my pap smear results back this morning," Carina said, tears running down her cheeks, "And, Bambina, the results were...abnormal...Danielle wants to run tests,'s probably not nothing..."

"I will be there in twenty minutes," Maya said, already moving like a tornado around their house, gathering everything she needed to drop the girls off at daycare for the entire day, "Are you ok?"

"Just come," Carina said, tears flowing down her cheeks, "I'm in Danielle's office when you get here."

"Ok," Maya said, "Carina, I will be there as soon as I can. I love you."

"I love you too," Carina said, "Oh, and Maya, please don't tell anyone what's going on? Just until we know..."

"I won't say anything," Maya said as she grabbed Nora who was trying to escape from getting her shoes put on, "I will be there soon."

Carina hung up the phone, taking a tissue that Danielle offered her.

"Is there anything I can get for you?" Danielle asked, "Or anyone I can call?"

"No," Carina said, shaking her head, "No, I just need to wait for Maya."

"Carina, we are going to get you the best care possible," Danielle said, "And I didn't see anything when I was doing your exam last week which is a good sign. It probably means that it's not very advanced, and we are getting this all done quickly so we can get you on the best treatment plan possible."

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