Part 3

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As Maya laid in bed, she realized that they had left her car at the hospital. It wasn't a big deal, and she knew she could pick it up some other time, but as she looked at her watch, she did some quick math. If she left soon, she could run to the hospital, pick up the girls and then drive home.

She carefully extracted herself from the bed, hoping she didn't wake her wife. Once she realized she didn't, she quickly slipped into her running gear, writing Carina a quick note before heading out.

As she started the run, she realized for the first time all day how much she needed it. She ran a lot less since they had had the twins, but she still was running at least four times a week, if not more. It was still something that calmed her down, but having babies meant that sometimes, there just weren't enough hours in the day for it.

She also wondered how this diagnosis for Carina was going to impact her ability to get out and run, not that she cared so much about the actual running, but she was already feeling more anxious than normal with everything that had happened. She knew that she was going to need to keep running in order to deal with it and be the best possible support she could be for her wife. She knew it was probably going to require her to run at home a lot more or take the twins with her more often.

She loved running with the twins, and most of the time, the girls enjoyed it too, but it required a lot more planning and set her route at lot more strictly because she couldn't run stairs with a stroller and she didn't like having to cross busy streets with the girls either. However, she was willing to do whatever she needed to do help her wife get better.

She took the long way to the hospital, needing a little time by herself before she went back into Mommy mode.

As she arrived at the hospital, she stopped out front to stretch on one of the benches, pulling out her phone and deciding to order takeout for dinner. She ordered some pho and a few other dishes from that restaurant before going to her car, pulling a towel out of the car and dabbing off her face before throwing on a little deodorant she kept there. She then headed into the hospital and to the daycare.

"Hello Chief Bishop-Deluca," Natalie, one of the daycare workers, said, "Let me go grab the girls."

"Thanks," Maya said, going to grab the stroller from the room where parents with kids in the daycare were allowed to store them.

"Mommy," Rowan said, running to her as Nora walked with Natalie.

"Hi Ro," Maya said, scooping her up.

"Mommy 'et," Rowan said, touching Maya's damp hair.

"Yes, I went for a run before I came to pick you up," Maya said as Nora walked over to them with Natalie, "How were they today?"

"They were good," she said, smiling, "They both napped for about an hour and a half. We did have to feed them some of the food from their cubbies because they didn't have lunch in their bags today?"

"Yeah, that was my bad," Maya said, scooping Nora up who was fussing a little, "They were supposed to be home today with Carina, but something came up at the last minute and in my rush to get out the door, I forgot lunches."

"It was no problem," Natalie said, "I just wanted to let you know so you can replace the backup food at some point."

"Thanks," Maya said, settling Rowan into the stroller, "I'll make sure we do soon."

"Alright," Natalie nodded, "Well, I will see you all...tomorrow?"

"No, we are both off tomorrow," Maya said, "I'm not actually sure when they will be back, but in the next few days."

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