Part 11

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Carina did ok her first night home. She woke up about an hour before she was due for more pain meds just because she was uncomfortable, but after some 2 am gelato and another dose of pain killers, Carina managed to fall asleep and stay that way for the rest of the night.

Maya struggled to get back to sleep and didn't end up falling asleep again for the rest of the night. At 5 am, she slipped out of bed, deciding to go get in a quick run while Carina was asleep.

Based on how things had been going, Carina's pain meds started to wear off somewhere between 1 and 2 hours before she was due for another dose, meaning Maya had at least an hour, if not two, before her wife would wake up. She went down to the treadmill, running for forty-five minutes, just in case.

Once she was done, she went back upstairs, grabbing some water and stretching some before going to check on Carina. She smiled when she saw Carina's arm holding her pillow near her face but not covering it. Luckily, Carina was still asleep which made Maya very happy. She debated going to take a shower, but also knew that Carina probably needed a shower today so she decided to wait for her to wake up.

Maya decided to go change the sheets on the twins' beds since it hadn't been done for a while, and she wasn't totally sure what to do while Carina slept. Once she got the sheets changed and also gathered up their laundry, she went down to the laundry room, getting the load going before going into the kitchen to make herself some coffee. She knew Carina wasn't supposed to be having caffeine while she was recovering so she was only making the beverage for herself, deciding to brew it extra strong because she was absolutely exhausted.

As she sat there watching the coffee brew, she wondered when she would be able to actually sleep through the night. She knew she needed to get a better handle on her sleep soon, but it had all just been so much. She knew she probably needed a session with Diane or maybe the therapist they had talked to at Carina's pre-op appointment, though the idea of having to talk to a new therapist about everything in her life didn't sounds pleasant so she would probably just stick with Diane. She didn't really want to leave Carina right now though so she decided to wait a little longer before trying to get an appointment.

She poured herself a cup of coffee one it was ready, hoping the caffeine would take some of the fogginess out of her brain. She had brought her phone down to the kitchen with her, checking the time, seeing it was nearing 6:30. She headed back upstairs to check on her wife, finding Carina just starting to stir as she walked back into the bedroom.

"Hey," Maya said, walking over to Carina's side of the bed as the Italian's eyes opened.

"Ciao Bambina," Carina said sleepily, rubbing her eyes, "What time is it?"

"It's just about 6:30," Maya said, stroking Carina's hair, "How are you feeling?"

"Non lo so," Carina said, letting her body wake up a little more, "I think ok for right now. A little achy and still tired."

"I was going to shower," Maya said, "But I wanted to see if you were up for another shower?"

"Oh, um, yes please," Carina said, realizing she felt a little bit gross, "Can we wait a few more minutes though?"

"We can wait as long as you need to," Maya said, smiling at her, "I've got no plans today. Do you need anything?"

"Can I have something to drink?" Carina asked she shifted a little bit.

"Sure," Maya said, grabbing Carina's water bottle and handing it to her.

A few minutes later, Carina was ready to get up and shower, Maya helping her get up from the bed.

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