Part 20

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So this chapter clearly got away from me and it is close to 11K words so strap in for a long read.  


"Carina," she said, immediately shaking her, "Car, babe, can you wake up for me?"

Maya, however, got no response. She put her hand on Carina's forehead, feeling how hot she was.

"Shit," Maya said, pulling out her phone as she ran into the bathroom to get a cool rag for Carina's forehead.

"Hello?" Andy said as she answered the phone.

"Andy, is the aid care there?" Maya asked as she ran the rag under cool water.

"Yeah," Andy said, "Why? What's wrong?"

"It's Carina," Maya said, hearing the scramble on the other end of the line, "I got home and she is unconscious and burning up. I can't wake her up and she is covered in sweat. It's bad. Can you please come? I can't get her to Grey Sloan on my own."

"We are on our way," Andy said, hearing the terror in her friend's voice, "We will be there in a few minutes. Is she still breathing?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, seeing Carina's chest going up and down fairly quickly, "She's maybe tachypneic. And her pulse is there too. Also, fast and a little thready, but there."

"Good," Andy said, Maya hearing the siren turn on in the aid car, "Vic and I are on our way. We will be there in less than five minutes. Call me if anything changes ok?"

"Ok," Maya nodded, "Thank you. And Andy, please hurry. I...I can't lose her."

"We are going as fast as we can," Andy said, "Carina's going to be ok. You aren't going to lose her, ok? We are going to get her to the hospital."

Maya hung up, continuing to wipe down Carina's forehead with the cloth as she pulled the blankets off the bed in an attempt to cool her down.

She then started pulling off Carina's drenched clothes, realizing that her wife had wet herself as she went to pull down her pants which only scared her more. Maya went back into the bathroom, grabbing a pack of baby wipes to get her cleaned up before slipping a clean pair of underwear back on her along with a loose t-shirt, trying to give her sick wife some dignity.

By the time that was done, she could hear Vic and Andy coming upstairs.

"Maya?" Andy called as they came down the hall.

"In here," Maya called, continuing to wipe down Carina's face, "Hurry."

"Ok," Andy said as they came into the room with a med bag and gurney, "We're here."

"She's got a fever," Maya said as Vic set down the med bag, pulling out several things, "Her white blood cells have been trending down this week, but they were still ok on Friday and we were so careful and she was sleeping this morning when I left for work and I thought she was a little warm but she was under the covers so I thought it was just that and then I came home and I can't wake her up and I..."

"Maya, we've got her, ok?" Andy said, moving her friend away from the Italian a little, "We are going to get her to Grey Sloan and they are going to get her taken care of, ok?"

"Her temp is 104.3," Vic said, trying to remain calm as she worked, "She's tachycardic and hypotensive. Her O2 is also a little low."

"Let's get her on the gurney," Andy said, looking at Vic, knowing Carina was extremely sick and they needed to get her to the hospital quickly.

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