Part 15

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That night was not as easy as any of them were hoping. Nora woke up crying at 1 am crying which woke up Rowan as well, Travis going into their room and trying to settle them back down, finding very quickly that that wasn't going to happen and he just took them into bed with him, hoping they would sleep. Rowan passed out pretty quickly but Nora was awake and fussy for two hours, Travis trying everything to get her comfortable. Eventually, the toddler did fall asleep, Travis quickly following.

Meanwhile, in the master bedroom, Maya was not sleeping well either. She would fall asleep for an hour or two before waking up boiling hot or freezing cold, tossing and turning and just feeling awful. Carina was awake a lot as Maya struggled, getting up and getting a cold cloth for her wife's forehead.

"I am going to go sleep downstairs," Maya said around 1 am, "You need to sleep and I am keeping you up."

"Bambina, it's ok," Carina said as she laid the cloth on the blonde's boiling forehead, "Just relax."

"You need to sleep," Maya said, "I'm not letting you sleep."

"I am ok," Carina said, stroking Maya's boiling cheek gently, "I think you need some more medicine."

Maya nodded, Carina going into the bathroom an getting some Tylenol, bringing it to her wife. She wished she had brought the throat spray up so she could give Maya some relief from the pain in her throat as she watched tears start flowing down the blonde's cheek involuntarily as she swallowed the pills.

"Thanks," Maya said quietly, wiping at her cheeks before she started scratching at her hand.

"Bambina, let me see your hand," Carina sighed.

"Wh...?" Maya said, holding out her hand, clearly not even realizing she was scratching.

"Oh, you are covered in a rash," Carina sighed, "You can't scratch. I'll go see if we have any cream in the bathroom."

"Carina, you need to sleep," Maya said, moving to get up herself.

"Maya do not get up," Carina said, "I am fine. Andrea will be here all day tomorrow to help with the girls so we both can sleep then if we need to. I do not want you getting up and falling."

Maya didn't say anything else, knowing that 1:30 am was not the time to argue and that Carina was probably right because she was really dizzy again. The Italian came back a few minutes later with a bottle of calamine lotion, some cotton balls, and a pair of gloves the Italian occasionally wore when her hands got very dry in the winter.

"I can put it on," Maya said, taking the bottle from her wife.

Carina let her, getting back into bed as Maya dabbed the pink lotion on her hands.

"Put the gloves on too," Carina said, looking at her, "You don't need to be scratching when you are asleep."

"Fine," Maya sighed, pulling on the gloves one because Carina told her and two because she was in the midst of another round of chills and she knew the gloves would make her warmer.

"Do you need anything else Bambina?" Carina asked as the blonde pulled the blankets close again.

"No," Maya said, already starting to drift off again, "Sorry I keep waking you up."

"It's ok," Carina said, reaching over and brushing a piece of hair off her forehead, "You were up with me plenty right after my surgery."

The next few hours were probably the most restful of the night, the Tylenol helping to curb Maya's fever a little and allowing her to get some sleep. Carina also managed to sleep for a few hours. Meanwhile, down the hall, Travis and the twins got a little sleep as well, Rowan sleeping fairly soundly while Nora struggled a bit, tossing and turning for a while before finally getting comfortable.

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