Part 22

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The Bishop-Deluca's got to spend Sunday together as a family and while Carina was exhausted and slept for a good part of the day as her body worked on healing from the infections she had.

They did manage to go for a very short walk just to the end of their street and back which, while it made Carina exhausted, also made her incredibly happy and helped her feel a little better emotionally.

The girls were very clinging with both of them on Sunday, but they were particularly clingy to Carina, meaning they all spent the bulk of the day on the couch or in Maya and Carina's bed which was totally fine because Carina had missed cuddling her babies.

On Monday morning, the twins had to go back to daycare and Maya was supposed to go back to the station for a few hours in the morning for a meeting. The plan was that Carina was going to stay home and rest until it was time for her to go to radiation.

The morning started off fine, Nora a little bit upset about leaving but after some coaxing from Maya and several kisses and hugs from Carina, she was convinced she would be ok at daycare for the day, though she was attached to one of Carina's t-shirts again, a habit neither Maya nor Carina was thrilled about but one that they didn't have the heart or the energy to break at this point. Carina only had 7 more days of treatments left and they were desperate to keep things as calm and uncomplicated as they could. They also wanted to make sure the girls both felt safe and secure because if the past week had showed them anything it was that all of this was having a bigger impact on the twins than they thought.

Once Maya got the girls dropped off, it took every fiber of her being to drive to the station and not just go directly home. She had left Carina at the hospital plenty of times while she was there and while she didn't love the feeling, at least she knew her wife was being taken care of and wouldn't end up in the state she found her in the previous week. However, this meeting was with all her captains and the fire chief and there was no way she could miss it.

She got to the station about twenty minutes before the meeting actually started, going up to her office to change into her uniform. She pulled out her phone once she was dressed, immediately texting her wife to let her know how drop off went with the girls and asking how she was doing.

She felt her anxiety creeping up with each passing second she didn't hear from Carina, trying desperately to calm herself down as she waited. She paced around her office, just staring down at her phone.

After what felt like hours but in reality was less than five minutes, the three little dots popped up on the screen, letting her know Carina was typing something. Completely unable to wait any more, Maya just facetimed Carina.

"Hey," Maya said as soon as her wife answered, "Are you ok?"

"Bambina, I am fine," Carina said, rubbing her eyes as she relaxed back against her pillows, "I was just in the bathroom."

"Oh," Maya said, rubbing the back of her neck, "Ok. Is your stomach bothering you this morning?"

"Si," Carina nodded, "No more than normal though. And I am due for my next does of meds so that should also help. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," Maya said quickly, earning her a look from her wife, "Fine. I'm a little anxious. I...Not being home with you is a lot harder than I thought it would be."

"I am ok Bambina," Carina said, wishing she could do something to calm her wife's anxiety, "I feel as well as I can right now. I promise I am ok."

"Logically, I know that," Maya sighed, sitting down in her chair, "But I just...I can't get my brain to calm down. But it's going to be fine. I have to be here for this meeting."

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