Sick Y/N

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AN: Hi Hi I hope you enjoy this one. I'm bored and in a one shot writing mood so you'll probably be getting a lot of these. But this one is where Y/N is sick and Camilo is taking care of them. I hope you enjoy <3

I woke up and I felt terrible. I've been sick for the past few days at it was the worst but at least Camilo was there to make it a bit better. I feel Camilo's grip tighten around me as I try to get up to go get water. See I've been telling him that I should sleep somewhere else and we shouldn't share a bed because I don't want him to get sick but anytime I say that his argument against it is "I have a great immune system so You won't get me sick plus I can't leave you all alone when you're sick what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't take care of you." I finally stopped telling him I din't want to get him sick because I new he wasn't gonna give in to letting me sleep alone even though I'm sick. I'm finally able to get out of his grip and I go to get out of bed but he grabs my hand and pulls me back down on the bed before getting up putting the blanket over me and saying "What were you going to get? I can get it for you. I don't want you to over exert yourself when you need to be focusing on getting better." "I was just going to get water that would hardly be over exerting myself." I responded smiling at cute he was and how sweet it was for him to care this much. "Just lay back down Mi Corazon I can get it for you. You need to be resting after all instead of getting yourself things." He said. I gave in and let him go get me water because to be honest I didn't want to get out of bed but I didn't want to wake him to get me water so I was just going to go. Although now I do feel bad for accidentally waking him up by trying not to. He came back upstairs and into the room with a glass of water and a bowl with steam rising from it that I could only assume was some sort of soup. I smiled as he walked in. He was the kindest person I knew. He set them on the nightstand next to me. "Can you lift your head up for a second amor" He said in a soft voice with the cutest little smile on his face. I lifted my head up and he fixed the pillows so that I could sit up. I leaned back and he handed me the soup and scooted the water closer to me. "I asked my tia to make you some chicken noodle soup since I heard its good for when you're sick" He said with a soft smile as he handed me a spoon. "Thank you" I said. I swear I fall more in love with him every day. Every time I think he can't get any cuter or sweeter he does. "Of course mi amor." He said kissing me on the top of the head. "Wow you're burning up I thought your fever would've gone down by now. I'll be back" He said and he left the room to go get something. I started eating my soup which may I say was amazing Julieta has gotta teach me how to make it this good when I get better. Camilo walked back in with a thermometer and a damp towel. He took my temperature and then placed the towel on my forehead. I could feel my face get cooler after he placed it on. "Jeez 102 degrees. At least it's gone down a degree since yesterday." He said looking worried. I placed my hand on top of his. "I'll be fine amor, don't be so worried I've been worse and made it so I'm sure I'll get through this." I said smiling at him. He smiled back and said "Okay mi vida." although he still looked a little worried. I knew he wouldn't stop being worried until I was better. He kissed my cheek and then I started eating the rest of my soup. I finished it and set it on the nightstand because I knew Camilo would not like it if I got up and brought it to the kitchen seeing as he wouldn't even let me go get my own water. He is honestly the best boyfriend to have. I laid down and tried to get some more rest. Luckily I was feeling a bit better and my temperature went down to 99 degrees when I woke up in the middle of the day. By the next day I was feeling a lot better although I still had a stuffed up nose but that was expected. 

~Time Skip although the next paragraph thingy will be kinda short~   

Two days later I woke up to Camilo playing with my hair. "Good morning Mi Amor." I mumbled groggily with a smile spreading over my face. "Good morning" He said back. "Thank you" I said looking up and smiling at him. "For what" He said. "Helping me get better and not letting me be alone during it" I said. "No need to thank me although if you do want to show your thanks my lips are very lonely right now." he said with a cute grin on his face. I pulled him into a small short kiss and then went back to cuddling him. he went back to playing with my hair. "Te Amo" I whispered and then I fell back asleep. "Love you too" He said back with a smile on his face and a slight blush on his cheeks. 

AN: Hi Hi I hope you liked it! You are loved and appreciated and please remember to eat food and drink water if you haven't yet. Until the next one which may or may not be also today depends on if I decide to write more or do my homework. Bye lovelies! 

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