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AN: Hi Hi This is basically just gonna be a cute story about Y/N and Camilo trying and failing to make a cake from scratch. Enjoy <3

I was in my room reading when someone knocked at my front door. I got up and opened it to see my handsome boyfriend smiling at me with two terribly hidden bags behind his back. "To what do I owe the pleasure" I say smiling. He moves the bags and holds them in front of him before saying "I may or may not have all the supplies to bake a cake and decorate it. Would you like to join me in the process of probably ruining a cake." He said with a wide grin while looking at me with puppy dog eyes. He knew he didn't need to do the puppy dog eyes to convince me I was going to say yes anyway. I agreed to help and we went to casita seeing as my kitchen is very small and I don't think my parents would be to keen to us making a mess in their kitchen. We get to casita and walk into the kitchen. Julieta sees us walking to the kitchen with baking supplies and asks what we're making. We tell her we're making a cake and she asks if we need help. I was going to say yes but Camilo denied her offer saying that "We can make a cake by ourselves because we aren't children anymore". He's technically wrong because we can't make a cake by ourselves, that will be proven later, and we are technically still children. Julieta leaves the kitchen letting us start baking. I luckily know the basic steps in cake making. I suggested that we look up a recipe with instructions so we know what to do but he thought we could do it ourselves. We decided to have a competition to see who could make a better cake without a recipe. We both went to opposite ends of the kitchen to start. I was doing what your supposed to do and mixed the dry ingredients and then the wet ingredients with my best guess of a good measurement but I looked over to Camilo's side and he was randomly dumping everything in. I finished mixing the batter and it looked decent, not great but it looked like cake batter and that's all I can really ask for. Camilo 'batter' on the other hand was someone extremely wet but extremely chunky at the same time. I'm honestly impressed that he did that. We put them in cake pans and put them in our own respective ovens. I had mine set to 350 and he set his to 400 and we both left them in for 30 minutes. Camilo said "I bet you my cake will be the best cake ever." I laughed and responded with "Would you be willing to bet something on it?" He stood there thinking for a minute and then said "I have an idea!" "What?" "Loser aka whoever cake is worse has to give the winner a kiss." I laughed and said "I want to protest cause either way we'd kiss but I mean why would I protest that." We shook hands on the deal. Neither of us cared who won. We finally took the cakes out and with a not so shocking turn of events mine came out looking mostly normal and his was burnt on the outside. We let our cakes cool for a bit and then decorated them. Mine was F/C with cute different colored frosting flowers on top. Camilo's had vanilla frosting somewhat smoothly put on it with rainbow sprinkles on top and a heart in the middle. I'll give it to him after he decorated it, it looked more edible but I'm more concerned about the taste. We decided to have Julieta try our cakes and judge which one she thought was better. She came into the kitchen and sat down. We both cut a piece of our cake mine was actually pretty similar to a cake with a recipe that was followed. Camilo's cake on the other hand... well he cut into it and the middle of the cake was still raw. There was cake batter oozing out of the middle. He called it 'Vanilla lava cake' which was just his way of marketing his cake that will probably make Julieta sick. She tried mine and  said it actually tasted like a normal cake. I said "Sorry I might have set the bar bit to high." before smiling at Camilo and letting him set his 'cake' down. She took a bite and her face said it all. She swallowed the piece trying to be nice and immediately took a drink of her water. "Y/N won." She said with a small smile. I felt triumph and then looked at Camilo who didn't look all to sad about losing. "Sorry Camilo its just their cake was should I say...edible?" She said He responded with"It's fine I knew I wasn't going to win I'll just be happy if it doesn't give you food poisoning." He said with a small award smile. Julieta left the kitchen. Camilo then pulled me close and said "I lost and rules are rules." before pulling me for a kiss. After we broke apart we looked at the kitchen and realized how big of a mess we made and we have to clean all of it. We groaned and then started cleaning. It didn't take as long as expected since we did it together luckily. 

AN: Hi Hi I hope you liked it! I really should work on my homework now but I wanted to write before. Remember to eat something a drink water if you haven't already and remember you are loved and appreciated. Until next time. Bye lovelies <3

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