Idk what to name this besties T_T

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AN: Hi Hi this is basically a cute story about how Y/N and Camilo have been friends for several months and they both fell for each other and they basically just confess their feelings for each other. You'll see. I hope you Enjoy.

I was hanging out with Camilo and we were walking around Encanto stopping at little shops every now and then. Camilo saw a place selling what they marketed as 'The Best Arepas Con Queso in all of Encanto'. "I gotta see for myself there is no way they can be better then my Tia's" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the shop. My cheeks flushed a dark red as he grabbed my hand and held onto it the entire time he was ordering from the shop. See the thing is I have a giant crush on him and any sort of physical touch (an-don't be dirty minded he's 15) from him makes me freak out. I tried to distract myself from the fact that he's still holding my hand by reading the sign on the shop. "Huh, A lot of words for one simple sign. I feel like they could have simplified what it says" I tried to joke but it wasn't a joke at all it just sounded dumb. I swear I can't function properly ever since I started crushing on him. I can kind of function most of the time but when he's close to me or touching me (an-I know where your minds are going so stop his is child). The shop guy handed him the arepas and he dragged me to a place to sit down and try them. He lets go of my hand finally making me be more normal and he takes one for himself and hands me one. We both try them at the same time. They weren't half bad and I could tell he thought so to. "I mean they aren't the best in Encanto but they sure aren't bad" I said taking another bite. "yeah they should change their sign to 'Almost The Best Arepas Con Queso in all of Encanto'" He said "That was the worst joke I've ever made" He said laughing and eating another bite. He had the cutest laugh ever. "Could they even fit that on a sign I'm already surprised they could fit the original on a sign." I said giggling. "True" He said eating more. We both had an even amount but he finished his quick. "For someone who didn't like them that much you sure did eat them fast" I said. He just rolled his eyes and started talking about stuff he's heard about the town while he waited for me to finish my half. I finished and we went around town doing what we did before the arepas when Camilo said he had somewhere he wanted to bring me. He led me up a bit of a mountain to a really pretty flower field that I know Isabela made because I've hiked here before and it didn't look like this the last time. It was so cute but why did Isabela make it a flower field instead on a grassy cliff. We stood there looking out at the beautiful view of Encanto. After a while Camilo spoke "Y/N there's something I wanted to talk to you about that I've been wanting to tell you for a while but never knew how to." He said looking at his feet and fiddling with his fingers. He seemed nervous but why? "What is it?" I said worried about what he was going to say since I always expect the worst plus I've never seen him nervous so Im kind of expecting it t be bad. I turned to face him instead of the view and he looked at me with the most nervous look I've ever seen, more nervous then when I have to take a test that I didn't study for. (an-happens way more often then it should). "well the thing is I sorta have a crush on you and I have for a few months now and I never had the courage to tell you but I thought its better to tell you now then to live with it and never tell you." He said. He looked at me trying to make out what he thought I'd say just by reading my facial expression. I don't think he could though because my face was a mixture of shock and confusion. Before I could think of how to respond I said "What-!?" I then realized it came across sounding mean and like I didn't like him back which is the exact opposite of how I wanted to respond. He quickly said "Sorry I shouldn't have said it. I hope this didn't rui-" I cut him off by quickly saying "No no no I didn't mean it like that I was just surprised. The thing is I've been crushing on you for a few months now kinda just decided that you'd never like me back so I was just gonna live with it" "OH- thank goodness because I did not want you to stop talking to me or being friends with me because of this." He said seeming very relieved "Well since you like me and I like you maybe we could I don't know date...?" "I'd love that" I said smiling. It was so awkward yet not at the same time if that makes sense. We headed back to the village. I was still surprised by what just happened. No one has ever liked me back. WTH! I was so happy.

AN: Hi Hi This was kinda bad I know but I couldn't think of any way to fix it so it'll do I guess :). Remember you're loved and appreciated. Eat food and drink water if you haven't already and Until the next one! Bye Lovelies <3

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