No Bitches?!

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AN: Hi Hi! this story is based on this comment.

I'm gonna do a clingy Camilo one cause I may or may not have a jealous Camilo one on the way

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I'm gonna do a clingy Camilo one cause I may or may not have a jealous Camilo one on the way. I hope you enjoy.  Also sorry I've been gone for so long and didn't write I was stressing about finals and then after finals I like completely forgot about this until I got a notification from it.

No one's POV:

Camilo and Y/N were hanging out at casita. They were laying in bed cuddling and watching videos. Y/N looked at the time and realized they had to go home. They tried to get up but Camilo grabbed their waist tighter groaning "nooooo". Y/N laughed and kissed the top of his head. "I have to go so my parents don't worry Mi vida." They said with a soft smile. Camilo groaned and kept a tight grip on Y/N's waist. Y/N got out of Camilo's grip and kissed his head again. "I have to go amor I'll be back tomorrow." They said with a smile walking towards Camilos door. Camilo Jumped up and wrapped his arms around their waist quickly to keep them from leaving. He rested his chin on their shoulder and said "Can't you ask them if you can stay the night...or forever?" He said as he buried his face in Y/Ns neck. 

Y/N giggled and turned around in his grasp. They kissed his head. "I'll ask but that doesn't mean I'll be able to." They said grabbing their phone from their pocket as Camilo let them go.(we're pretending they had the technology we have today for most of these one shots.) They texted their parents asking if they could spend the night at Camilos.

(I would literally get killed if I texted my parents asking and it would also be a definite no but shhh that's besides the point)

 Camilo sat down on his bed and Y/N laid across his lap waiting for a response. Camilo played with Y/Ns hair as hey laid there. Ding. Y/N grabbed their phone. Their parents said yes. "They said I can" Y/N told Camilo with a smile. He cheered lightly and then laid down on the bed as Y/N moved to lay next to him. He wrapped his arms around them hugging them tightly. Y/N hugged back just as tight. They laid there quietly for a few minutes just enjoying the warmth, breathing in each others scents. They started watching videos again until they fell asleep.

They woke up the next day happily  in each others arms.

AN: Hi Hi! I hope you enjoyed. Sorry it was rather short my brain isn't working very well today. I'm probably gonna come back re-read it tomorrow and it'll make absolutely no sense but let's hope that's not true. Anyway remember to eat and drink water and listen to what your body tells you to do. Have a lovely day night or whatever time of the day it is! Bye lovelies. <3

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