Update on my crappy life

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Hi Hi this again has nothing to do with the one shots although I will start writing them again soon probably on the weekends when I don't have stuff to do. This has nothing to do with the story I just need to be angry about something and talk about it somewhere cause it's bullshit. So I'm fruity right, and most of the girls in my PE class other then thrones I'm friends with are extremely homophobic and know that's not a good thing when it's pretty obvious that me and my partner are fruity right. And so know me and them walk around holding hands as one does and so out PE teacher used to get mad at us for it because "It might make the other girls uncomfortable" but I'm pretty sure she's given up cause we don't stop, but these girls in my class started yelling at me and my partner who were holding hands and they were telling us to stop holding hands and then at one point one of the girls tried to run through our hands to make  us stop holding hands, it obviously didn't work. Also today these girls pushed my backpack off the bench thing in the locker room and I keep makeup in there to fix up my makeup after PE right and my pressed powder which was like $45 shattered. Also anytime we have a free day where we just chill in the gym and were supposed to play with volleyballs or basketballs they throw them at me and usually hit me in the head and then start laughing about it because know it's so funny to target and injure the gay kids in your class right. I'm just really pissed about it and had to get it out. :) Have a lovely day and remember to eat something and drink water and you are loved and appreciated. Bye Bye lovelies.

Camilo Madrigal X Reader OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now