what's this another one shot

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AN: Hi Hi sorry I haven't uploaded in a bit my dad took my laptop away.

Sorry if you've left requests and I haven't seen them until now because I mostly only check the comments of the request page for requests

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Sorry if you've left requests and I haven't seen them until now because I mostly only check the comments of the request page for requests. I thought maybe to make this more of a they tell their parents they're dating then just that they love each other<3 I hope you enjoy. Also before this starts would you guys want One shots that aren't 3rd person omniscient like maybe it switches between Y/N's POV and Camilo's POV? I might make this one more first person that switches POVs to see what you guys think.

Camilo's POV:

Y/N and I have been dating for 6 months now and we finally decided we should tell our parents. I was nervous as hell. I don't know why I was so nervous though my parents always talk about how great Y/N is and I'm pretty sure their parents like me, so why am I nervous? It's not like my parents are going to suddenly hate them just because we're dating, they aren't like that. At least I don't think they are. Maybe I'm nervous that Y/Ns parents don't actually like me and they'll get mad? Uhhhg I don't know why I'm stressing this much. I need to clear my mind so I can get my chores done and then get ready to go to dinner with Y/N their parents and my parents. I thought of anything but what I was originally and went on to do my chores. Gosh I have a lot to do today.


Oh god I'm so scared for tonight. What if Camilo's parents start to hate me? What if my parents don't like him? uhhh why am I thinking like this. I need to find what I'm wearing tonight and stop worrying about this. Worrying will get me nowhere. I looked through my closet and dresser and pile of clothes on the floor and finally decided on_____(You get to choose cause idk what all of you would be comfortable with). I decided to start getting ready so that I had something to do. I did my hair the way I always did if I was going somewhere fancy (If you want Y/N can also do their makeup but ik not everyone wears makeup so I didn't want to put it). I put on my outfit and looked at the time. Uhhg there's still so much time to wait. I decided to go on my phone (we're gonna pretend they existed back when Encanto was set), I watched Markipliers smash or pass with all the Pokemon and then a bunch of random videos. 

No one's POV:

It was almost time for the dinner Camilo and Y/N were both very nervous. They both left with their families and headed to the restaurant they would be eating at. They both got there at the same time and the families greeted each other with a hug or handshake. Both sets of parents seemed at ease. Y/N and Camilo on the other hand...They were so scared the parents wouldn't except it.


Oh god I'm so scared. What if they don't like me. I was so worried. God I wonder how Camilo feels.

No Ones POV:

Camilo felt the same as Y/N. Everyone got sat at a table and ordered their food. Camilo and Y/N texted each other and decided now is probably the best time to tell them. Y/N cleared their throat and everyone looked at them. "Camilo and I have something to tell you guys." She said nervously trying to keep her voice from shaking. "We're...dating...we have been for 6 months now." She said the last part calmer when she saw no anger or shock on either of the parents faces. "Wait Really!" said Pepa with a huge smile on her face. A rainbow appeared over her head and she seemed so happy. Y/N let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. Y/N and Camilo looked at each other and smiled. They were so happy no one seemed mad. Felix had a similar reaction to Pepa's minus the rainbow. Y/N's mom simply said "I thought everyone already knew that?" She sounded confused. "We haven't told anyone yet. How did you Know?" Asked Camilo. "I thought it was pretty obvious to everyone. The way you look at each other, the amount of time you spend together, The gifts. I mean Me and your father were the exact same way Y/N." Y/N's mom said Y/N's dad nodded in agreement. "Oh...I didn't think it was obvious to you guys..." Said Y/N. They laughed and then started random small talk about everything. Their food arrived soon after and they all ate happily. Camilo and Y/N were so happy their parents didn't have a problem with it.

AN: Hi Hi Definitely didn't write most of this in geometry when I finished my test..haha... Anyway I hope you enjoyed. Remember to drink water and eat something if you haven't yet. Also remember you are loved and appreciated! Have a lovely day! Until next time> Bye lovelies<3

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