I Love Him (Trans Male Y/N x Camilo)

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AN: Hi Hi This one was a request kind of I went off of this request comment

So it's going to be a one shot about how Y/N is a trans male and Camilo loves Y/N and they're dating but the Madrigals on't accept it and Camilo and Y/N kinda fight with the Madrigals

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So it's going to be a one shot about how Y/N is a trans male and Camilo loves Y/N and they're dating but the Madrigals on't accept it and Camilo and Y/N kinda fight with the Madrigals. I know in the description I said Y/N would use Gender Neutral terms but for this since Y/N is a trans man I will be using He/Him pronouns for Y/N. This is also going to be set before Encanto so Bruno won't be mentioned although I have a feeling Bruno would be very accepting of Y/N. Hope you enjoy! 

I was headed to my boyfriends house. I was a bit nervous of course because his family wasn't really excepting of me. They liked me when I was younger before I started transitioning but now that I'm trans that kind of have a sort of distain for me. The only madrigals that like me and accept me are Camilo, Mirabel, and Luisa, and I mean technically Antonia but that's because he's like 4 and doesn't understand anything. I walked into casita and luckily the only one near the door was Mirabel so I didn't have to deal with any comments from the other Madrigals. I waved at her and then went up the stairs to Camilo's room. When I entered he turned towards me and a wide smile spread over his face. I swear he was the only person I knew that seemed so excited and happy anytime they saw me. "Well hello my favorite person in the world." He said with a big grin on his face. "Hey" I said with a wide smile. I was sure I was bright red but I didn't care. We played down on his bed and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close and we just played like that in silence for a few minutes enjoying each others company. "So would you like to stay for dinner?" He asked breaking the comfortable silence. "I don't know would your family even be okay with that. They don't really like me." I said. "Who cares what they think about you. You are the best person I know and I love you and they have to deal with that. Plus of they say anything rude I'll shut them up because they're wrong about you anyway." He said kissing me on the top of my head. "Well in that case I'll gladly stay." I said although I was still nervous about it. "Yay! I'll have to tell my Tia so she makes enough for you too." He said happily. He got up to go tell Julieta that I'm staying over for dinner so she might need to make more food. 

~Time Skip~

It was time for dinner and I got so nervous. Camilo grabbed my hand and we headed toward table. My heart was beating so fast and I was shaking. I sat down at the table next to Camilo. He say that I was nervous and grabbed my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze and smiled at me. Everyone sat down and Alma started off diner by speaking like she always did. "We are joined at tonights dinner by uhhh what name is it you like to be called now?" She said "Y/N" I said not sure if she was actually wanting to be nice and get it right or if she just forgot because she never refers to me by it when she talks about me. "Ah Yes Y/N" She said with bitterness in her voice. I gave a small smile. Everyone started getting their food and we started eating. There were light conversations every now and then but for the most part it was quiet. When everyone finished eating I saw Alma bring Camilo out of the room. I wanted to know what they were going to talk about because I assumed it was about me. "Why did you invite it to have dinner with us?" said Alma with bitterness in her voice. "I invited him to have dinner with us because I love him and you need to accept that along with everyone else in the family." said Camilo angrily. I peeped through the crack in the door to the room they were in and saw a taken aback expression on Alma's face. "This family has done so much for you and you dare treat us like this. I'm just trying to make you see that maybe some people that you like aren't the best people for you to like." She said trying to word it in a way to almost make it sound like she cared about him when in reality she didn't she just hated me and didn't want him around me. "You liked him when he was my best friend when we were younger. You always talked about how great he was but now you hate him and it's stupid. He's no different than he was when he was younger. He has the same personality, the same adorable laugh, the same sense of humor. He is the exact same as when he was younger but now you don't like him! Why because he's a guy now!? That's the dumbest reason to not like someone! He is amazing and I am in love with him and I don't care if you have a problem with that! I'm going to love him and date him no matter what your opinion on him is and that's that!" Camilo screamed and then he burst out of the room walking away from Alma. He saw me standing next to the door and pulled me into a hug. We walked to his room with his arms wrapped around me the entire time. We laid on his bed wrapped in each others arms. "thank you." I whispered into his chest. "no need to thank me mi vida" was his response as he kissed me on the top of the head. I hugged him tighter and we laid there eventually falling asleep. This was not what I expected to happen tonight but at least I know Camilo truly loves me.

AN: Hi Hi! I hope you liked it! Remember to drink water and and eat food if you haven't already and remember you are loved and appreciated. Until next time. Bye Lovelies! <3

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