Hey guys I'm back. Omg is this a one shot :o

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AN: Hi Hi! I'm back sorry that I haven't written anything since like June I've had a lot of school and family stuff going on but I'm gonna hopefully start writing more for this again. I also might make more stories then the ones I have now so if you have any you'd like me to write tell me:)

Anyway this is gonna be jealous Camilo so I hope you enjoy:)

3rd person:

Y/n and Camilo have been dating for 5 month's now and they both love each other and are very happy with each other however Camilo has started getting jealous by how much attention and affection  Y/N gives some of their friends. Y/n has always been affectionate with their friends, hugging them and holding their hand. It's always been normal to them especially with how long they've known their friends for. Camilo's started to get jealous by it though. When y/n and Camilo started dating y/n stopped being touchy with their friends because they were always hugging or holding hands with Camilo but as they've dated longer and the honeymoon phase has ended y/n has started being touchy with their friends again and Camilo doesn't like it. 

Camilo's POV:

I saw y/n walking with their friend holding their hand and it made me jealous. I shouldn't be though. They've always been touchy with their friends and it hadn't bothered me when we were just friends or when I just had a crush on them so why does it bother me now. Y/n has started asking me if everything was okay because I seem irritated at them and now I feel bad because they think they've done something wrong and I don't know how to tell them they haven't and tell them I just don't like them being touchy with their friends. I'm going to have to talk to them about it soon I just don't want them getting mad at me because I know I found toxic. 

Y/N's POV:

Camilo has been acting strange lately. It seemed like he was mad at me but every time I asked he told me nothing was wrong but it feels like there is. I don't know what I did to make him mad and I wish he'd just tell me so I could fix it. 

3rd Person:

Camilo decided that tonight he was going to talk to y/n about what was wrong. They were gonna be having out at casita and he thought that would be the best time to talk to them. He set up his room to be as comfortable and calming as possible and waited for them to get there. Y/n finally arrived and Camilo greeted them with a hug and a kiss before they headed to hang out in his room. They both sat on his bed and after a few moments of awkward silence y/n said something.

"Is everything okay? You've seemed kinda mad like something is wrong" they said sounding and looking concerned.

"I'm not mad. "Its just- well-" He struggled to figure out what to say.

"Take your time" y/n responded.

"It's just you've been really touchy with your friends again and less affectionate towards me and it makes me jealous even though I know I have no right to be jealous" Camilo said as fast as possible. Y/n sat there blinking for a second trying to process what he said because of how fast it was. 

"Oh. I didn't know it made you jealous. You should've told me sooner. I can see how it could make you jealous seeing as I stopped being touchy with them when we started dating and then started being less affectionate towards you and more towards them" y/n said with a soft, caring look on their face, "I didn't even realize because of how used to being touchy with my friends I am. I can tone it down a bit if you'd like."

"Please. I don't want to seem toxic or like I want all your attention to be on me cause that's not right. It just made me a bit jealous" Camilo said looking guilty for being jealous.

"I will and don't worry you don't seem toxic I completely understand why you feel that way. I love you Camilo" Y/n said smiling at him at the end.

"I love you too" he said. He pulled them into a hug and they both laid there cuddling for a while before they got up to get food.

AN: Hi Hi! Guys!!! My teacher used they/them pronouns for me!! I use she/they and my teacher was talking to a student about something I did I don't remember what it was but it was good and they used They/them when refereeing to me!! No one at the school I go to ever uses they when talking about me which makes sense because i dress very femininely but it made me really happy  and I though I'd share! 

Anyway hope you enjoyed sorry if you didn't. Remember that you're loved and also remember to drink water and eat something. Bye lovelies!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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