Omg wow an actual One shot

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AN: Hi Hi I should be doing homework but I decided nah and I'm writing this instead. This is going to be one from this comment. 

I hope you enjoy! I tried my best and I hope you like it sorry if you think it's bad

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I hope you enjoy! I tried my best and I hope you like it sorry if you think it's bad.

Y/N was the most beautiful person in all of Encanto, or at least that's what Camilo thought. so many people in Encanto were rude to them about the way they look dropping rude remarks about their weight or how they should cover up their face and Camilo didn't understand why. Obviously the remarks got to Y/N although they tried to hide it. 

Camilo and Y/N hung out everyday. One day though Camilo found Y/N sobbing in their room. He went in to comfort her and figure out what happened, although he already had an idea of why. He pulled them into a hug gently swaying them in his arms while gently telling them it would be okay. When Y/N wasn't crying as hard and could actually speak Camilo asked them what happened. "Am I hideous? Should I cover my face?" They asked sadly holding back a second wave of tears. "Wha- no! You're the most beautiful person I know. Don't listen to those terrible people they don't know what they're talking about." He said. "Bu-but so many people think I am. You're the only one who says I'm not. how do I know you aren't lying to make me feel better?" They said. "Because I would never lie to you about this amor. Plus those people out in town are only like this because they don't like themselves and need to take it out on someone else. Plus they don't see you how I do." He said cupping Y/N's cheek. "w-what do you mean?" They asked confused on what he meant. "Well for instance, they don't see what you look like when you talk about something you're interested in, the way your face lights up. They don't see you get excited over the little things like when a puppy comes up to you and wants to play. They don't see how excited you get when you hear your favorite song. They don't see any of that if they did they wouldn't be like this. You are the most beautiful person in all of Encanto and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot." He said with a soft smile. Y/N had a small smile on their face and let out a quiet "thank you" before yanking Camilo into a tight hug. He hugged them back just as tight and they stayed like that for a bit. Eventually they let go and decided they'd stay at Y/N's until Camilo had to go. They ended up watching a movie and falling asleep in the middle of it. 

AN: I hope you enjoyed! Remember to drink water and eat something and You are loved and appreciated. Bye Lovelies!<3

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