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AN: Hi Hi here's a story based on this comment

Fair warning this might suck cause I'm not great at writing angsty shit im better at fluff but I'll try my best! Hope you Enjoy <3                                                                                                                     ...

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Fair warning this might suck cause I'm not great at writing angsty shit im better at fluff but I'll try my best! Hope you Enjoy <3                                                                                                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Y/N's POV:

I was heading to casita. It wasn't just anyway but even though it wasn't I did my chores around the house, went to me job, and then got off work and went to casita. It's basically my routine now. Before I started heading to casita I went to my house to change into a nice outfit (You choose lovelies<3) and grabbed my gifts for Camilo. You see today was our 1 year anniversary and I may or may not have went a bit  overboard with the gifts. I got him a bracelet with "Y/F/I(Your first initial) + C <3" inscribed on it, I got him his favorite type of chocolate, some Arepas con queso, matching couples rings, and a cute stuffed bear. I was really hoping he'd like it. I showed up at casita and the doors opened before I got the chance to knock. Camilo wouldn't be home yet since he's still doing chores so I went to his room and set up the gifts cutely on his bed. I sat there on my phone and waited for him to get home.

Camilo's POV:

Today was like every other day. I got ready for the day and then did my chores although I felt like I was forgetting something. I brushed off the feeling as nothing...it wasn't nothing I did forget something. I was so busy with chores that I completely forgot about our 1 year anniversary. I didn't realize I did until it was too late. I went about my day like normal though. I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, and then did my chores. I headed home and went to my room. I opened the door and saw Y/N in the chair in bedroom with a bunch of gifts set up on the bed. I looked at the gifts and them confused for a minute and then it hit me. "Shit!" I whispered under my breath. I found out what I forgot.

No Ones POV:

"Shit!" Camilo whispered remembering what he forgot. Y/N looked at him confused. "Whats wrong?" they said confused by his reaction. They were confused for a bit and then it hit them. "You forgot? Didn't you?" They said half sad half pissed. "I-I promise I didn't mean to. I was just so busy with chores for a while that it didn't cross my mind." He said. "What? You just forgot about it? How could you have forgotten about it" Said Y/N angrily. "I-I promise I didn't mean to It's just I've had a lot on my plate and didn't have much time to think of anything else. I'm so sorry." He said. Y/N looked at him with a glare that could kill 10 men. "Those are for you." They said bitterly storming out of his room. "Y/N wait! Don't leave! I'm really sorry! Please don't leave!" He yelled chasing after them. Y/N left casita and slammed the door right before Camilo got to it. They ran to their house while their phone was blowing up with texts and calls from Camilo. All the texts basically said "I'm sorry" "Please come back" "I'm so sorry" "Come back please lets talk". Y/N left him on read though not even bothering to listen to the voicemails he left. 


Camilo was pacing around his room calling and texting Y/N but they didn't answer. "Hey this is Y/N sorry I can't get your call at the moment please leave a voicemail and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." said there voicemail in a cheery tone. "Hey! Im really sorry please come back or at least call me back mi vida. Im so so sorry. I shouldn't have forgotten and it was terrible of me but please come back. I'll make it up to you I promise." Thats what all of the voicemails he left them sounded like. He checked to see if they texted him back but they left him on read. "I fucked up" was all he could think. "I need to make this up to them" he thought

Camilos POV:

I needed to make this up to them. I can't believe I actually forgot. I left my house and got all of the things I'd need to make it up. I went to the store and bought stuff for a picnic: Sandwichs, fruits, apple cider, and a tiny cake that I asked the person to write " Happy one year" on. I then went to a different store and bought them a stuffed F/A (favorite animal) and some chocolates. I went to their house and knocked on the door. After several knocks and several miners of waiting they finally opened the door. They went to close it when they saw me but I put my foot in-between so it wouldn't close. "Wait! Don't close the door on me! Please just come with me." I pleaded. They let out an annoyed sigh and reluctantly went with me. I led them to a soft grassy flower field nearby and grabbed out the stuff I got. "What is all this" they said confused. "Well I said I'd make it up to you did I not?" I said grabbing the stuffed animal and chocolate that was in a gift bag and handed it to them.


He grabbed a gift bag from behind him and handed it to me. "What is this?" I asked grabbing it cautiously. "Open It!" He said. I opened the bag slowly and saw a stuffed F/A and my favorite chocolates. "awe" I said smiling. He then grabbed a basket from behind the bushes and opened it. There were sandwiches, fruits, and apple cider, and something in a small, closed, cardboard box. He handed me a sandwich and a champagne glass pouring the cider in it. I thanked him and started eating once he got his. He put on a Spotify playlist. I saw the title and it was called "Songs for the make up picnic". (If y'all want me to make this a playlist and link in my bio drop your favorite song or a song you think should go on it and I will). We finished eating and sat there in comfortable silence with only the music making noise. After a bit of sitting there our song came on. He got up and held his hand out to me. I grabbed it and got up. Me started dancing and smiling. When the song ended I gave him a small kiss and then pulled away. He grabbed the cardboard box out of the basket and pated the spot next to him. I sat down and he slid the box in front of me. He lifted the top off to reveal my favorite cake that said "Happy one year" on it. I smiled at it and pulled him into a big hug. We sat in a hug for a while and then pulled apart. He got out plates and cut me a piece of the cake handing the plate to me and then cut himself a piece. We ate the cake and then put everything away. We got up and headed to casita. He put the basket in the kitchen and then we headed to his room. I texted my parents saying I was gonna stay at casita for the night so they didn't worry.(I would get killed so fast if I did that irl) He cleared the gifts off his bed into a neat pile in the corner of his room and we laid in his bed slowly falling asleep in each others arms. He sure does know how to make things up.                                                                                                                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A/N: Hi Hi I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading Love you Guys! Bye Lovelies<3 Please leave requests so I know what to like preferably on the requests chapter! <3

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