Ayo more written during school

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AN: Hi Hi I'm definitely not writing this at school....

AN: Hi Hi I'm definitely not writing this at school

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This is written off of this comment. In this Y/N, Camilo, Mirabel, And Antonio go to the lake :) I hope you enjoy :) This isn't gonna have any POV switches it's just gonna be 3rd person omicient cause I'm being lazy.

Everyone was getting ready for the lake. Y/N put on their swimsuit and put clothes on over it and then got a bag that they would put everything that would be needed today. They packed sunscreen, sunglasses, earbuds, their phone, towels, and everything else they thought was needed. They then headed to casita where some of the Madrigals were getting ready to go to the lake with Y/N. Y/N knocked on the door and Camilo answered. Mirabel and Antonio came down the stairs ready to go to the lake with them. They left and headed to a lake they knew of in the mountains surrounding Encanto. It was very secluded and no one else was ever there. They got really tired walking the way to the lake but it was worth it for the walk. They got there and it was as pretty as they remember. They all took off the clothes they were wearing and were in just their swimsuits and they all ran in the water. It was freezing. Everyone except Mirabel ran out of the water. Everyone looked at Mirabel confusedly. "How are you not freezing?" Asked Y/N confused. "It's not that cold." responded Mirabel with a shrug. Everyone was so confused. Mirabel started to swim around and went deep into the lake floating in the middle. Everyone else started to get in the lake slowly taking their time to get used to the cold before going in deeper. Once they weren't freezing they started swimming around in the lake. Camilo swam under Y/N and picked them up on his shoulders out of the water. "Ahhh it's so cold" shrieked Y/N. Mirabel picked Antonio up on her shoulders and they Camilo and Mirabel made it so you and Antonio were face to face. Antonio pushed you as hard as he could, which wasn't very hard seeing as he was 5. "Push him back" yelled Camilo up at you. "I'm not going to push a child that's just wrong." said Y/N crossing their arms. Mirabel then kicked Camilo in the knee and he fell over. Y/N hit the water really hard and it stung. They swam underneath the water and gently nocked Mirabel over. She fell with Antonio falling off her shoulders gently hitting the water. Everyone stood up and started laughing. They went back to the grassy shore drying themselves off with towels. Mirabel grabbed the basket of food she brought opening it. It was filled with arepas con queso. There was also a few empanadas and some sweets. Everyone grabbed some arepas and an empanada, obviously Camilo grabbed the most because he loves arepas. They all ate happily having light conversations every now and then. Mirabel then grabbed the sweets out. There was a small cake and a cupcake. "My tia makes the best food so I asked her to pack us some." Mirabel said with a smile. Antonio grabbed the cupcake and you, Camilo, and Mirabel split the cake. You all walked back to casita and you said your goodbyes to them and headed back home. You changed into a normal outfit and watched videos. Today was great.

AN: Hi Hi sorry that took so long to upload I completely forgot about my story. Hope you liked! Sorry if it seemed a bit rushed I was trying to get it done quickly towards the end so I could publish it for you guys. Bye lovelies. <3

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