Pillow Forts!!

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AN: Hi Hi this idea came to me when I was doing Geometry and I thought 'hm it's better than geometry' so here is a cute Y/N and Camilo pillow fort sleepover thing. Enjoy <3 also F/M means favorite movie.

I was basically vibrating with excitement all day. Today I got to not only hang out with my boyfriend, who may is say is the best boyfriend to ever exist, but I also get to spend the night at his!! My parents finally gave in and let me spend the night at his house after several days of pleading and them finally knowing him enough to trust him. I packed a bag with all the necessary things for a sleep over. I got snacks, matching onesies, face masks hoping he agrees to do them, and my laptop so we could watch a bunch of movies. It was finally time for me to head to his house so I grabbed my bag and headed to the front door. I told my parents goodbye and as I left the house I heard my mom yell "Be safe! And use Protection!" to which I yelled back "Seriously mom! I'm 15!" and she said "Hey, I was a wild 15 year old!" I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.

~Time Skip~

I made it to casita. It wasn't that far of a walk from my house luckily. I went to knock on the door when they flung wide open. Isabella was standing near the door and looked over at me and smiled. She then yelled "Camilo Y/N is here!" before greeting me and ushering me inside and out of the doorframe. I saw Camilo rush out of his room and run down stairs faster then I thought he could run, may I add its hard to make him run to do anything unless arepas con queso are involved of course. He pulled me into a hug before grabbing onto my hand and pulling me upstairs with so much force I nearly fell. We got into his room and he stopped suddenly making me crash into him and we both almost fell over. I looked at his room and saw a large amount of blankets and pillows and a bunch of other strange objects. I realized what all these objects could be used for. "PILLOW FORT!!!" I screamed excitedly. He covered his ears seeing as I was right next to him. He laughed slightly with a small smile growing on his face. "Well I thought it would be a good idea seeing as tonight wouldn't be complete without one." He said. We started building the fort and when it was done it was way better than I expected.

We set everything up in the pillow fort so that it was perfect. We had fuzzy blankets on the floor of the fort and pillows around the walls and we put all the snacks on one side. it had a triangular opening and when you crawled in you would lay down down facing sideways to the entrance and my laptop would be in front of us. (AN-Did I just explain the pillow fort in way more detail then needed? Yes.) I grabbed the matching onesies out of my bag and we changed into them. We got in the fort and debated what movie to watch first. We both agreed no horror movies. We decided to watch F/M. The laptop was raised up a bit so that we could lay down and still watch it. We watched a bunch of movies and cuddled eating a few snacks every now and then. I looked at the time and realized it was 1 am which isn't that late for me at least but Camilo was super tired so we turned off the laptop and decided to go sleep. We were trying to sleep, I was laying in his arms with him holding onto me tightly. He whispered "Goodnight Mi Vida." Before kissing me on the top of the head and going to sleep. "goodnight amor." I whispered back kissing his chest and going to sleep.                                                                                                                                                                         That was by far the best night ever. I hope my parents let me stay over here more often.

AN: Hi Hi I hope you liked it! Remember you are loved and appreciated! And don't forget to eat something and drink water if you haven't already! Until the next one! Bye Lovelies! <3

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