Lena and Kara part 3

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Part 3

"Hello" sounded from Lena's phone as her friend answered the call.

" Hello Alex , it's Lena I need your help "

Lena smiled with relief, when she came off the call with her friend , it helped a lot . Her friend, Alex was the new director of a secret government agency called the Department of extra-normal operations or the DEO for short , which she was lucky to know about . Her friend gave her tips on looking after the 3 year old and said she would send a team to come and collect the pod from where it was sitting in the park , everything was going to be ok.

Lena was about to leave, the 3 year old still asleep in her arms , when her eyes glanced upon the strange language again, Lena picked her phone up and took a picture of the lettering from her pod and a locket that the sleeping girl was wearing , maybe she could look it up and find out what language it was when she got home .

45 minutes pass by when Lena arrives home with the toddler in her arms , she enters the lift to her condo and steps out a few minutes later , she was glad it was still early hours of the morning, she wast sure how she would explain who the toddler was to her neighbours.

Lena stood by her apartment , bending down slightly to get her keys out ,Lena thought this was foreshadowing of just how difficult and different her be the next few days . Finally 5 minutes later, Lena managed to get her keys from the hidden pockets of her leggings and unlocks the door to her living quarters . She lyes the toddler down on the couch not knowing where else to put her , seeing as her bed was messy and eagerly grabbed her laptop wanting to do as much research as possible not for her then for the 3 year old alien that was asleep on her sofa.

Lena unlocked her phone, getting up the two pictures upon her phone for reference, she searched many things up on google from alien languages to languages with symbols and many other things , until she found a match . Turns out the writing on the girls pod was kryptonise which originated from the planet Krypton , the 3 year old girl was a Kryptonian just like Superman.

Lena continued on her search wanting to find out what the message engraved on the locket and pod read , she managed to find a kryptonies translator online so she copied the message into her phone to revel that the Kryptonian toddlers name was in-fact Kara.

Before Lena had the chance to do more research , Kara screamed awake from her slumber crying her eyes out as she looked around confused, Lena rushed to her side .

"Shh , Shh " Lena hushes as strokes the girls in an attempt to calm her down, Kara looked at her a little scared and continued to cry.

"I err um " Lena mumbles to herself not knowing what to do until she remembers the translator , she gets it up on her phone and types in what she wants to say before speaking it in Kara's tung to the best of her ability.

" Hey, hey it's ok I'm Lena I found you and your pod at the park, I want to help you " The blonde looked at her shocked and although her pronunciation wasn't perfect, Kara smiles slightly at hearing her own language, Kara gulps before opening her mouth to speak still scared and upset.

"We wer am I " the transliteration picks up as Lena presses it just before the blonde girl spoke , Lena Types another message out on her phone before speaking.

"Your at my apartment, I live here , you can trust me alright, I promise, I just want to help you " Kara looks at her hesitantly not knowing if she should believe her or not , Lena types out another message.

"I know I'm a stranger but you can trust me I promise, I'm Lena and I want to help you find your family, look use this to speak to me ok just press this button and speak I'll read what it says after and when I speak you can see what it says , okay " Lena states to the blonde showing her the phone and where to press before speaking, the toddler nods her head .

"Ok first off what's your name, sweetie" Lena said in English holding the button down so it would translate it to kryptonise before handing the phone to the toddler, she glanced at the screen reading what Lena said slowly , she looked up at her before pressing the phone to Lena afterwards.

"Kara " the phone read , Lena smiled the Kryptonian confirming her findings earlier.

"Thank you , Kara, that's a pretty name you have it suits you , do you mind telling me what's wrong, why you woke up crying? " Lena asked handing the phone to Kara, as soon as she glanced upon the phone and she had finished reading, she looked at the floor sadly, Lena gulped.

Kara hesitantly pressed the button on Lena's phone as she began explaining the reason for her upset, by the time she had finished speaking Kara had broke down into tears , Lena rushed over to her giving her a hug and taking her phone from her hand reading the message.

"I miss my mommy and daddy but tere gone , my mom and dad gone , they got eaten up by fiwe and Big Bang , I jwst want dem back" Lena's heart hurt as she read the message her parents died in some explosion, but why wasn't she sent to another family on krypton, unless her planet exploded.

"I'm so sorry sweetie that's horrible I don't know what to say but just know that that you can stay here with me and I'll look after you " Lena spoke in kryptonise deciding Kara was to upset to read the translation , Kara continued to cry into Lena's chest , lena had laid down on the couch with her and she eventually fell asleep.

Lena smiled sadly at the sleeping Kryptonian before preying her off of her chest gently , careful not to wake her , before going back to doing more research, wanting to help and understand what happened to Kara better.

Lena looked up what she could about the planet krypton discovering that it had been destroyed and it's core had imploded on its self causing an explosion 40 years ago.

Lena raised an eyebrow, if krypton had been destroyed 40 years why did Kara arrive now it didn't make any sense and what didn't make even more sense is how  Kara was still 3 , she had experienced the explosion herself so why was she just a toddler she should be 43 not 3 . Lena sighed none of this made any scene to her and it made her frustrated.

Hello everyone sorry this it's that much longer than last time I just want to spread the content out more as it gives me a chance to get a build up of new work again anyway thank you for those of you that are reading .

Anyway I hope you enjoyed, Sky 😊

1200 words

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